It’s fairly easy to answer “yes, I’m pretty content.” And, if this is your answer to the question, I hope you truly are and I want to say, “good for you!” We live in a society where many people are not. And, the more they search for it, the more discontented they become.
The world we live in tells us we should be more and / or we should be doing more. If you struggle with feeling this way, I want you to consider some questions:
1. Who says you should “be” more?
2. Who says you should “do” more?
3. What’s wrong with where you are right now at this time in your life?
4. What would happen if you looked at where you are, and what you are currently doing, from the perspective that God may have you right now where He wants you?
It’s important to really dig down into your heart and make sure that you aren’t putting undo pressure on yourself. We are not to live feeling like there is constantly more that we must be or do. Of course, we all want to achieve certain things and that’s not a bad thing. The problem comes in when we never feel like we are enough in who we are or that we’ve haven’t done enough. God is the only one that we want to look to for confirmation of who we are and where we’re going. When it feels like condemnation, then we know it’s not coming from the Lord. He convicts us, but He never condemns us.
If you struggle with being content in who you are and where you are at this point in your life follow the tips below:
* Pray and ask God to give you clarity about where you are in your life.
* Ask is there more He wants from you or are you right where you are suppose to be?
* Take 15 minutes and right down as many points of gratitude about yourself as you can. About the person you are.
* Take another 15 minutes and right down as many points of gratitude about your life as you can. What you’ve done, where you’ve been, etc.
* Ask people you highly trust what they love most about you and what they see as achievements in your life.
* Thank God for all the gratitude points and for the things shared by the people you asked.
* Continue to pray for God to give you clarity and contentment. Be sure to have a journal beside you and to listen. Record what God tells you.
A lack of contentment with who you are and with your life is very often a matter of perspective. It’s okay to live right where you are. Let God be your guide and do not fall into the worldly trap of not being “enough”.
Struggling with discontent can rob you of being the best you can be and certainly keep you from enjoying the life you should be living. Do not stay stuck because of discontent. Deal with it head-on. Get to the bottom of it and put it out of your being. It adds no value to your life.
Coaching is great way to rid yourself of discontent. We can take a look at why this is a struggle for you, put it behind you and move you towards goals that are all about your passion and purpose. Contact Coach Deb to setup some coaching time.