Be Filled With Joy

Be Filled With Joy

Be Filled With Joy Have you heard this one? God is talking to one of his angels and says, “Do you know what I have just done? I have just created a 24-hour period of alternating light and darkness on Earth. Isn’t that good? The angel says, “Yes, but what will you do...
Parables From the Gardener

Parables From the Gardener

I believe we can all agree that there are endless characteristics of Jesus to admire. One of the many qualities I find valuable of Jesus are His teaching methods.  In grade school we discover fairly quickly that we all learn differently. Some of us learn by sight,...
Give Yourself Time

Give Yourself Time

Time is funny thing. No better gift, than the gift of our time. We hear all of the sayings: – “Time is money”,- “Don’t waste my time”,- “Cherish these moments”,- “Time flies when you’re having fun”and my personal favorite, “ain’t no body got time for that!!”  ...
Debbie Luxton

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