What does it mean to be purpose-driven? Using the gifts, talents, and experiences God has given us for His glory.

Sounds easy enough.

Why is it so hard if it’s “easy enough?”

Oh, to be human!

  • “If everyone knew that about me, what would they say?”
  • “If everyone knew that about me, they wouldn’t be my friend.”
  • “I’m the leader; I can’t let them see that I’m struggling.”
  • “I’m not a writer, singer, leader, __________.”
  • “I don’t have the skills to ____________.”
  • And, on and on and on goes the self-limiting thoughts.

Every day we have the opportunity to be purpose-driven. EVERYDAYPERIOD.

To be purpose-driven takes intentionality that starts with seeing purpose in everything.

If God created you*, goes before you*, and has a hope and a future for you* – how could He not have a purpose for everything in your life?

Let’s take the focus off of ourselves. Our purpose is about Him.

🔥 He provides what we need to step further than we’ve stepped before.
🔥 He provides transformation to love where we struggle even to care.
🔥 He provides the willingness when we can’t find it within us.
🔥 He provides what we don’t even recognize we need.

  • Genesis 1:27
  • Deuteronomy 31:8
  • Jeremiah 29:11


⏸ Pause to Pray, Ponder, & Journal

  • Consider yesterday. How were you, or could you have been, purpose-driven?
  • How will you be purpose-driven in leading yourself this week?



Originally posted in the Influence Multiplied Women’s Community.

Debbie Luxton

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