by Debbie | Boundaries, Influence, Uncategorized, Walk & Hike
Snowflake Encounters Last week I felt led to start a walking and hiking group for women. I am an avid walker and hike multiple times a year in Colorado. In August of 2019, my husband and I hiked our first “14er” at 60 and 64 years young. In case you...
by Debbie | Boundaries, Serenity
Some things in life are not optional. This weeks THRIVE theme is boundaries. Boundaries are one of those things in life that are not optional. For some, the word boundaries makes their palms sweat! “Yes, I know I need them, but……” For...
by Debbie | Boundaries, Recovery, Uncategorized
People desire transformation in their life, but it’s one of those “much easier said than done” things in life. We can be very good at fooling ourselves that our situation, poor habits or character defects are “not that bad.” The road ahead may be a long one, depending...
by Debbie | Boundaries, Serenity, Spiritual Depth, Uncategorized
Recently, I heard an online message where the following was said, “fear is the great slave driver of the human soul.” Sadly, I agree that way too often this is true. I help women thrive as they travel the path of being the Godly leader they were...
by Debbie | Boundaries, Leadership
What would you say is the most common pressure leaders feel? I would LOVE to hear your first response to that question in the comments below. I’m sure the responses are as broad as the question. We can certainly debate this from each of our own opinions. As a woman...
by Debbie | Boundaries, Serenity, Spiritual Depth
Happy Valentine’s Day! In this article, part 2 of the 4-part series on transform, we are talking about our inner conflicts. Specifically, why some inner conflicts just keep cropping up. I wish we didn’t have to do that on this day that represents love. Because,...