by Debbie | Authenticity, Connecting, Influence, Spiritual Depth
Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness. – Brené Brown Brené Brown’s insightful quote reminds us that vulnerability is not a sign of weakness but a testament to our strength....
by Debbie | Authenticity, Connecting, Influence, Uncategorized
Looking through the lens of faith, we can see aging as a precious gift given to us by a loving God. As the years pass, we can reflect on the chapters of our lives. With each passing day, we can gather the treasures of experience, wisdom, and resilience, adding...
by Debbie | Connecting, Serenity
What adventures do you have PLANNED for this new year? What adventures do you HOPE for? What adventures do you DREAM of? I retired in 2010. I haven’t stopped and don’t plan to! God keeps adventure fully alive. How grateful am I?!?! 💞 Psalm...
by Debbie | Connecting, Influence, Leadership, Uncategorized
How’s Your Team? Having a team makes our life and work more manageable. We don’t feel like we’re in it by ourselves. We have others to bounce ideas off of. We can share the load. Just to mention a few team benefits! Jesus had a team so why wouldn’t we? Jesus...
by Debbie | Authenticity, Connecting, Influence, Serenity, Walk & Hike
Relationships are the foundation of life. You can’t be alive without having at least three relationships: you and your biological mother you and your biological father you and your heavenly Father These relationships may be good, bad, or somewhere...
by Christina Henton | Connecting, Spiritual Depth
Be Filled With Joy Have you heard this one? God is talking to one of his angels and says, “Do you know what I have just done? I have just created a 24-hour period of alternating light and darkness on Earth. Isn’t that good? The angel says, “Yes, but what will you do...