

Have you picked your word/theme for 2017?  Pick your theme and choose to thrive in 2017!

I think I’ve got mine. I’m still praying about it and listening, but “reality” came to me yesterday and I believe that may be it.

Reality” in keeping myself focused on truthful facts that provide a thriving life; both for me and you.


What does that mean?

The message I heard yesterday revolved around “golden nugget” type thinking. The “quick fix” mentality.

I have bought into this more often than I like to admit and it has cost me in time, money, peace and more.


I will help you THRIVE!

That has always been my goal and that means helping you be the best version of yourself.

To that end, I must be real with you.

There are no shortcuts for you doing the work (albeit hard work at times) that is required; whatever that may be.

There are tons of emails, blog posts, podcasts, social media messages, videos and graphics with the “solutions” to your “best year ever.”

There are no shortcuts for you doing the work (albeit hard work at times) that is required; whatever that may be. Share on X


I beg you to live in REALITY!

Don’t seek the “golden nugget” solutions that will ultimately leave you feeling lonely and lost.

Where you need help, prayerfully seek the help that guides and supports you on a truthful path.

Where you need help, prayerfully seek the help that guides and supports you on a truthful path. Share on X


Choose to THRIVE in 2017

There are steps you need to employ in order to thrive. Can you get around these steps? You can try, but the results will not be what you hope for.

These steps are not to be taken lightly simply because what you see below is a short and to the point list.

I could cover all the details here, but I would not be serving you and your busy life well if I expected you to read it all.

Because this is true, I want to make you aware of a special FREE offering to help you get off to a thriving start.  (See details below).


Steps to THRIVE (no shortcuts!)

1. REFLECT – the purpose of reflection is gratitude and growth. With thankfulness, the journey will always be less difficult.

Constant growth (spiritual, health, leadership, etc.) is the most positive thing life has to offer.

2. THEME – the purpose of knowing your theme is to set your overarching direction. All the rest depends on it.

3. PLAN – the purpose of planning is obvious; right? A word of caution to not allow “the obvious” to cause a less than fully committed effort.

Consciously choose to put in the time and effort to plan well.  (Hint:  planning includes the 2 critical components of elimination and boundaries.)

4. PRIORITIZE – the purpose of prioritization is clarity and commitment; pure and simple.

5. EXECUTE – the purpose of execution may seem obvious. Ask yourself how often you have set goals or made plans, but failed to take the proper action to achieve your desired results?

Keep it real – give yourself some grace here. We all have times of not fulfilling our plans.  It’s not about failure, it’s about strength in moving forward.

6. ACCOUNTABILITY – the purpose of accountability is to stay the course. It is wisdom in action to recognize that the road ahead will have rough spots; prepare for it.

7. REPEAT – the purpose of repeat is to keep you thriving! Living a thriving life is a process.

Being the best version of yourself is choosing to work the process – continually.



FREE “Steps to THRIVE” Webinar


What is this About?

  • You. It’s about YOU!
  • My goal is to help you get off to a thriving start in 2017. I will cover the components for each of the “Steps to THRIVE”

When is this Webinar?

  • January 5th
  • Choose one of these 2 available time slots:
    11:00 ET / Noon CT / 1:00 MT / 2:00 PT
    4:00 ET / 5:00 CT / 6:00 MT / 7:00 PT

Why Should You Take Your Valuable Time to Attend?

  • I assure you it will be worth your time!
  • You will receive everything covered on the webinar so you aren’t left wondering what was said.
  • You will receive a special offer only made available to those attending the webinar.
  • I will only keep you 30 minutes; 45 if you decide to stay for Q&A




Registration is OPEN

One Life to THRIVE Retreat!

Space is LIMITED


Registration Page*


*the Christmas registration special is still valid due to my unplanned availability in December.
This special will go away January on midnight January 5th.









Debbie Luxton

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