CONNECT – 3 Part Series: Part 2 – Connection with God
Last week, in part 1 of this series on CONNECT, we talked about the importance of self-connection. How self-awareness effects your personal peace, fulfillment and your success.
Today, in part 2, we will consider what a true connection with God looks like.
A surface level connection with God is no different than the surface level connections we have with many people. This is not true connection.
It takes your valuable time, energy and, most importantly, your willingness to have a true connection with God.
Connection with God requires that we move from our purview of the world to his. It’s not about convincing God to fulfill our wants and desires.
It’s about understanding who he is – discovering and desiring what he has already laid out for the world at large and for you personally.
connection with God, requires moving from your purview to his. Share on X
Where to Begin
1. Know where you are:
- Is God getting very little of your time and attention or do you genuinely seek Him?
- Does God seem distant, leaving you wondering where he is or, do you know his presence even in times where he is silent?
We can all identify with the items above. Everyone, I mean EVERYONE, goes through seasons where they are not as close to God as they want to be.
And, everyone goes through seasons where they feel very close to God.
Quiet times never mean he loves you less or cares less about what is going on in your life. Quiet times are always an opportunity for growth with God; ALWAYS.
You want to know where you are for proper awareness to grow as he leads you.
2. Check your hearing and willingness:
- Are you willing to do what it takes to know God?
- You can’t know him unless you are willing to listen.
- If you aren’t willing to hear, you won’t.
3. Formulate a plan:
- Where and when will you pray?
- Where and when will you read God’s word?
- Who can you discuss your thoughts and questions with?
Truth Revealed
Connection with God requires faith to begin trusting and believing in what’s true. Not what someone around you tells you is true from their point of view, but what he has told all of us is true.
The truth of his word, the truth that he is who he says he is and the truth that you are who he says you are.
Why is it that one of the hardest things to believe in is the value of our personal worth?
God says in Psalm 19:10, “ you are more precious than gold.” Do you believe that about yourself?
Take a look at yourself through God’s eyes. Forget about your doubts, mistakes, poor choices.
God knows right where you are and he knows where you’ve been. He’s ready to take you and move forward.
Allow him to reveal all the mighty and incredible truths within his word.
What does connection with God look like?
Things you can’t fully explain! Wonderings of what, when, why and how.
You will notice:
- New ways of thinking – your thoughts won’t automatically be what they always were.
- Changes in your heart – you feel a softening for things that would previously anger and harden your heart.
- Spirit-led times of prayer – you desire what God wants and you respond to his promptings as you pray.
- Desire for God – your quiet times are no longer just “one more thing” to get done and you find yourself talking to God throughout your day.
Why Bother?
Women who lead have very important roles. Well, let me say there isn’t a person walking this earth who doesn’t have an important role.
The difference is, some will believe that and seek to fulfill their role and many will not.
I believe that God is especially calling women in leadership for this time in history.
If you desire to fulfill the leadership purpose you were uniquely created and designed for, your connection with God must be number one on your mind and in your heart.
Sounds great; right? But, what about “real” life? You already lead at work, home, church, volunteer, and everywhere else you turn. I GET IT!
The demands are real, but again, they aren’t anything God is unaware of. He’s been equipping you since you were born.
Connect with God. Listen to him. Discover his plan for your life.
Spring Brings Opportunity
In the foothills of the Rocky Mountains is a very special, serenity filled, location. A castle with the most beautiful grounds and natural rock formations.
A place where the presence of God cannot be denied. A place where God invites you to come, unplug and discover.
You are invited: May 4-7, 2017 to Glen Eyrie Castle in Colorado Springs
An amazing retreat, “One Thing Leads to Another”
Begin with this ONE THING to:
– CONNECT with yourself, God and other like-minded women
– TRANSFORM your concerns and the strongholds of perfectionism, control, fear
– IMPACT those you are called to serve. Yes, you lead now, but for whom?
Visit for all the details. Feel free to email me.
One Life to THRIVE is a movement
of women who lead
A movement of women stepping into their God-ordained life purpose.
You aren’t meant to go it alone.
Join this retreat and begin fulfilling the passions of your heart;
that which God has placed deep within you.
Some leaders struggle more than others.
Leading comes naturally to some, but that doesn’t eliminate all the internal struggles.
If you find yourself in a place of serious struggle, listen to this song by Zach Williams – Chain Breaker
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