I’ve been struggling a bit to get another blog post done since I did my last one on my dear friend’s passing. On this past Friday morning it came to me.
Last Thursday and Friday, I was participating in a two day strategic planning meeting with the Board of Directors that I serve on; Missouri Recovery Network. We come together annually and spend two days considering how we are going to serve the recovery community over the next year. This year is very different because we are about to become a non-profit. This is something the Missouri Recovery Network has needed for a long time and it is going to explode our organization. So, our “planning” has begun at a place of revising and rewriting our mission, vision and core values into simpler, more concise statements with greater clarity.
We had a great first day on Thursday. As we got together, after our meeting to go to dinner, we decided to participate in a roller derby tournament. Good news is we won. Bad news is, I got a little hurt in the process, and I won’t be doing any roller skating any time soon.
Okay, not true about the roller derby, but I did get hurt. Less exciting is the true story. I did not get a firm step up on a high curb. It happened in an instant, but I heard a pop and now I have a fractured bone in my foot. I am trying to learn how to walk on crutches and remembering that it is not as easy as it sounds. I had this experience of trying to use crutches about 10 years ago when I broke my leg. After three attempts to teach me to walk on crutches the hospital staff said, “you know what? we’re just going to have you use a walker.” I hope you’ll join me in praying that I don’t hurt myself further because I have a hard time dealing with crutches!

So this blog post idea came to me from the combination of not being able to help myself and the shirt that I brought to wear on Friday. I brought my Celebrate Recovery shirt. On the back it says, “God Restores the Broken.” Yes he does.
As I was waiting for my friend to come help me, on Friday morning, I opened my Bible app and saw the following scripture highlighted:
Colossians 1:16 through 17 (NIV)
Everything was created through him and for him.
He existed before anything else,
and he holds all creation together.
and he holds all creation together.
We were created by Him and for Him. No matter where we are, whatever shape we are in, we are not too broken for Him. He created us and when we are broken He heals us. Why? Because we are His and we exist for Him. For His pleasure and for His desires. We come broken and He does the fixing.
The group I was working with last week was working on being more concise and clear about who we are. I love that this scripture is very concise and very clear. I do lots of planning and creative thinking about many things in my life. I love that I live to serve the greatest Creator and Planner. I love that “everything” I am has the highest design and the highest purpose; it’s all for Him.
So yes, I’m broken physically right now, but I am AWESOME! Physical restoration is something we would each hope to always have. Sometimes that isn’t what we get. I can’t answer why that is. Emotional restoration is also something we each hope for. It is always available to us. Sometimes we don’t like the journey, but when we remember that He is the one who holds us together and He restores us; we can trust the journey.
God Restores the Broken!
Are you in need of someone to help you see the path forward? Sometimes it’s hard on our own. Furthermore, God never intended for you to travel the road alone. Give me a shout. I will help you consider what’s next. Contact Coach Deb
So true. Sometimes we don’t like the journey. Also true. God restores the broken. Praying you are healing quickly and completely.
Thank you Pam. I see the doc on Monday. Hoping for good news! Blessings, Pam
What a great reminder that God indeed heals the broken–and uses us, too! I have found that brokenness is not equivalent to uselessness in the eyes of our Lord. Hurray for us! Thanks Debbie!
Thank you Kerry! You are so right.
Thanks Debbie, for this post. I’m going through a period where there was emotional brokenness and this post helped. Thank you for the reminder that we are all broken before God.
And that reminds me, our brokenness allows God’s light to shine through to others. So in some strange way, the more broken we are, the more glory He gets.
Absolutely Dale. Our brokenness has so much good that comes from it. I pray that you are greatly comforted by God in this tough time. He holds us up in our sadness and heartache; He loves you so much. Please let me know if I can help somehow.
Brokenness seen and brokenness unseen are both within His power. This is such a great reminder. Sometimes the brokenness seen is easier to be patient with but healing of the brokenness unseen is so very precious. May your time on crutches remind you to slow down and do the important stuff. That is what it did for me.
Yes, Rayna. I am spending much time on the couch since I cannot yet put any weight on my foot. I see the good in slowing down and I am thankful for that.
Love the line in your post – “We are not too broken for Him!”
What a comforting truth!
Thank you Terry. I am very grateful for that truth.
You and Kim Avery need to share broken foot stories. She’s hobbling around on crutches too. Praying God will heal you quickly. And bless the dear Lord for healing our heart wounds.
Thanks Kinsey. Yes, Kim and I are hobbling sisters these days :o) Thank you for your prayers.
Sorry to hear about your broken bones. I hope they mend quickly. Keeping you in prayer. Love Donna
Thank you Donna! I saw the orthopedic doctor on Monday and he told me “no weight on it for 2 weeks.” Wow – quick change to my lifestyle!
I love your focus on God healing the broken. That’s a theme that I’ve been hearing lately, and I think it is starting to sink in. Thank you for your timely words.
You are welcome Susan. Sometimes, I have to hear things many times before they “sink in.
This is beautiful! Especially the part of picturing you with your CR shirt and the crutches!
Thanks Mary Lou. It definitely brought a smile to many!