This is the final article for this months series on work/life harmony. Harmony is the result of boundaries implemented and adhered to. We’ve taken a look at boundaries at work, home and now we’ll consider the major life area of community.


field boundaries

“Community” is defined as organizations, neighborhoods, churches and any other volunteer capacities you are involved in. It’s easy to get caught up in giving too much of your time and efforts in communities. Giving back is a good thing unless it becomes too much of a good thing.


Giving back is a good thing unless it becomes too much of a good thing. Share on X


We naturally have a desire to help others and to advance things we are passionate about. We want to help in places where our children are being influenced and for those causes that have touched our lives. All of this is good and it’s needed.

Without people and their incredible hearts to serve, and make changes, forward movement doesn’t happen; things become stagnant.


We’ve all Heard of the 80/20 Rule

20% of the people do 80% of the work. Unfortunately, this is found to be true in most organizations. The problem is for those 20% and how it impacts their work/life harmony.

You can easily find yourself giving way more time and effort at the expense of relationships and critical responsibilities.


Before taking on a volunteer role, it’s important to stop and assess things; be intentional. Use the who, what, when, where, why and how of volunteer assessment:

  • Who is asking? – It should be someone you respect and for a cause you are passionate about.
  • What are you being asked to do? – The work should utilize your strengths or be something new you have a true desire to learn.
  • When will you begin and when will you stop? – Pick a time when it makes sense and won’t interfere with things you already have planned. You may not be able to know when you will stop, but be realistic in considering the length of your commitment.
  • Where will you serve? – Consider how close you live to where the organization does their work or where events are held.
  • Why do you want to help? – Make sure you want to help because you truly believe the help is needed and you have the ability to advance the cause. You should not volunteer because you are hoping it will be the solution to making you feel fulfilled.
  • How will you find the time to help? – If it doesn’t fit relatively easy into your life, you may find yourself becoming resentful; it can’t become just “one more thing I have to do.”


It’s Important to Find Somewhere to Serve

Service is key to your life purpose and overall well-being. It is a key component for harmonious living.

Serving with family beside you is an ultimate gift. It’s not always possible, but when it is I suggest you consider this first as your place to serve.

Be intentional about where you choose to serve by praying and listening.  You may find it’s not the right time for you to serve.  You may find that God has somewhere else for you.


[stextbox id=”custom” bwidth=”3″ color=”FAFEFF” bcolor=”8C6727″ bgcolor=”50C7C3″ bgcolorto=”50C7C3″]Who is more important, the one who sits at the table or the one who serves? The one who sits at the table, of course. But not here! For I am among you as one who serves. ~ Luke 22:27 (NLT)[/stextbox]



Boundaries are Critical

Implementing boundaries can be hard, sticking to them is even harder.  While this is true, it should NEVER be an excuse not to do the REQUIRED work of having healthy boundaries!

You will NEVER have harmony in your life if you set boundaries aside.  Life harmony and no boundaries are polar opposites.

I understand completely the difficulty of setting boundaries and living true to them.  I struggled with proper boundaries for way too long, resulting in lots of tears and wasted many years.



Contact Coach Deb TODAY to discuss
healthy boundaries in your life.





Debbie Luxton

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