Noah saw no rain in sight yet; he was ready when the rains came!  How so?

We are told multiple times,

“Noah did; according to all that God commanded him, so he did.” (Genesis 6:22)

Noah worked the plan that God gave him.

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”You may not have a plan from God that is as clear as what Noah was given but, make no mistake about it, God’s got a plan for you” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””][/perfectpullquote]


It’s a new year.  A fresh start time.  The excitement of what can be done fills the air!

God had BIG plans for Noah.  Plans that Noah didn’t fully understand but, he moved forward in obedience.

What may God be saying to you?  What plans should you be moving forward on?


Always plan. It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark. ~ Richard Cushing Share on X



Pray, ListenJournal

Planning begins in quiet time with God.

* Pray lifting your thoughts and desires to God.  He knows you best.
He’s prepared a future for you.  He knows the future you hope for. (Jer 29:11)
You cannot be successful on your own.

Listen for His direction.  It may be a word that comes to your mind or an image.  He may be heard through another person, something you read, or something you see.
Be intentional in your listening.

Journal what you hear.  Writing is a process.  Even if it’s just one word.
When you write it down, it passes through your head and heart.
When you see the written word(s), the fog begins to lift.  



Successful Plans

  • Plans can be simple or complex. Not everything warrants the minutia.  

  • Clarity is gained by writing thoughts down and getting things out of your head.

  • You don’t need the entire plan to take action.  2-4 steps to get you started.  The next steps will be revealed. This is definitely hard for perfectionist types. 

  • Your plan(s) should inspire you.  Make sure you know where you are headed and why.

  • Have a backup strategy for the mission-critical*.

  • Set healthy boundaries for the mission-critical*.

  • Use accountability and work it!


[perfectpullquote align=”left” bordertop=”false” cite=”We plan the way we want to live, but only God makes us able to live it. ~ Proverbs 16:9″ link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””][/perfectpullquote]



Mission-critical components, the “make it” or “break it,” exists in every plan.  

As you develop your plans, make sure you are clear on those mission-critical pieces.  Think through the necessary boundaries to protect the mission-critical.  




The SMARTBIE Process

The proprietary SMARTBIE process is available to all my clients.  This process sets you up for success!  Think through critical aspects before finalizing your goals.  

Specific – Clear and unambiguous.

Measurable – You can observe or measure its completion.

Attainable – Challenging, yet possible.  You can do something about it.

Relevant – Meaningful to you. You can visualize this being your life.

Time-bound – To be completed by a certain date.  Never leave open-ended.

Boundaries – Healthy boundaries are required for success.

Inspirational – Joy fills your heart as you imagine the impact for God’s Kingdom.

Exciting – You are filled with the desire to accomplish at least one task towards your goal every day.


Healthy boundaries with good accountability partners offer protection when the going gets tough. Share on X



Journal Prompts

  • What do I want to accomplish in 2021?

  • What do I hear God saying?

  • What inspires me as I think about the work required to reach these accomplishments?

  • Write a prayer regarding the plans you have or those you need to work on.



*  Are you ready to set goals for 2021 and to take action?

*  Are fears overwhelming because God has called you to lead?

*  Do you want to step out in a bigger way to impact God’s Kingdom but, just can’t seem to get unstuck?


If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions or a similar question, let’s talk!

You were created for an influence that advances the Kingdom.  It’s time to move!

I am here to partner with you.  You are not on this journey alone!


Contact Coach Deb

Coach Deb partners with women called to lead so they will face their greatest challenges, embrace their influence, and thrive in godly leadership!
Deb works with women through small groups, mountain retreats, and individual coaching.
Deb is available for speaking engagements and small group facilitation.
Community:  Healthy Boundaries for Women Who Lead – a private Facebook group
Book:  Choose to THRIVE, Conquering Your Inner Conflicts
Retreats: One Life to THRIVE


#MondayMeditation #WomenWhoLead #WomenCalledtoLead #InfluenceMultiplied #HealthyBoundaries


I want you to get out there and walk—better yet, run!—
on the road God called you to travel.
I don’t want any of you sitting around on your hands.
I don’t want anyone strolling off, down some path that goes nowhere.
Ephesians 4:1-2 (MSG)



Debbie Luxton

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