A Gift of Love

A Gift of Love

  Looking through the lens of faith, we can see aging as a precious gift given to us by a loving God. As the years pass, we can reflect on the chapters of our lives.  With each passing day, we can gather the treasures of experience, wisdom, and resilience, adding...

Love: Do This!

“Do this – love others.” Sounds easy enough. So, why is it so hard? We’ve talked about a lot during this month’s series on REAL Relationships: Responsibility, Enlighten, Accept and now Love. We know that we are commanded to love others, but many things can...

Enlighten: Grace is Required

Healthy relationships, “REAL Relationships,” require that we get over ourselves. That we learn to enlighten ourselves, as well as others, and that grace is required. It’s Not Your Right Have we ever seen a time greater than the one we are currently in...
Debbie Luxton

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