Wow! Here we are at the last week of building your Personal Platform! Excellent, excellent work has been accomplished. I’ve been working right along side you through this “Work of Clarity” series and building my Personal Platform. I am so excited and grateful for the incredible clarity I’ve gained!
With this last component you will create your MISSION statement. Next week we will look at what comes next. Once you have clarity on your platform, you can proceed with setting goals and determining the priorities that will drive success. No more setting goals and forgetting what they were in a a few weeks! Why is this true? Because you put forth the effort to know exactly who you are, why you are, where you are headed and how you are going to get there. No more arbitrary goals that you simply hope you will achieve! Now, that’s awesome!
“Outstanding people have one thing in common: An absolute sense of mission.”
Zig Ziglar
To finalize your personal platform….
Your MISSION statement is a direct reflection of your vision statement. Remember, in developing your vision statement you considered your core values and life purpose. With these, you were able to ponder deep questions that helped you see where God is taking you in living out your life purpose. This is your vision. Now, it’s time to develop a concise mission statement that tells how you will do it.
Let’s say that your vision statement is “inspire others to go after their dreams.” Your mission statement will now tell how you will go about doing that. Perhaps, “I will write a novel that encourages people.” Or, perhaps, “I will speak and share my story to encourage people.” These are just examples!
The task level details of writing your novel or speaking will come through goals you set. That’s next in the process. For now, your mission statement helps you see more clearly how you will achieve the vision you have and it is the basis for the goals you will set.
Let’s review where we are in the Work of Clarity effort and why it is important to continue with developing a mission statement.
Week 1: CORE VALUES – you worked on your core values. Core values help you understand who you are. What drives you. Why you like and/or dislike certain things, behaviors or situations. When you live in alignment with your core values you have greater fulfillment.
Week 2: LIFE PURPOSE – you worked on your life purpose. Your life purpose answers the question, “why do I exist?” It draws you close to God and fills a fundamental need we all have to know why we were created. When you live in alignment with your life purpose you have a greater sense of contribution and making a difference.
Week 3: VISION – you worked on your vision. Your vision statement is a direct reflection of where you are going in living out your purpose in the world. While your core values and purpose do not really change, your vision does change based on a current season of life, greater clarification from God or redirection from God.
Week 4: MISSION – now it’s time to work on your mission statement. Your mission is tied directly to your vision statement. It gives you a succinct view of how you will accomplish your vision.
The beauty of working through all the items above is the foundation you build. This foundation makes everything in life more clear. You aren’t floundering and constantly bugged by thoughts that seem to have no answers.
All of these items in your Personal Platform are short and succinct by design. You should be able to easily recall them and share them with others. This is important! You don’t want to fall into the trap of “out of sight, out of mind.” It is critical that you know the who, why, where and how of your life.
[Tweet “You want to live life by design; not by chance and what happens to come along.”]
You want decisions easier to make because what you decide has real meaning and contribution to why you exist and where you are headed.
Writing Your MISSION Statement
Reflect on your vision. Consider what the path will look like to achieve your vision. It’s not necessary to get into specifics such as a list of tasks that must be completed or specific due dates. You will do this when you develop the goals and relative tasks to accomplish your mission. For now, remember that the objective of your mission statement is a concise view of how you will get where your vision says you are going.
Your mission statement is an action statement that is easy to understand and remember.
It should be short and concise. Use just enough words to convey the essence of how you will accomplish your vision.
January 12, 2016-February 2, 2016
I am offering a FREE
“Work of Clarity” opportunity.
Each week we will look at Personal Platform building:
core values, life purpose, vision and mission.
Check out the details in the
January Issue of THRIVE!
Contact Coach Deb TODAY to discuss your
Personal Platform
set the foundation for a life of well lived!