Choose to Thrive

“Choose to THRIVE” offers encouragement and helps the reader identify with the truth that deep down most women, especially those called to influence, share in common struggles. Debbie discusses the struggles of: loneliness, insecurities, masks, perfection and more.
You won’t be left hanging! Debbie believes in action.
You will find at the conclusion of each chapter, self-awareness questions (you have to dig a little!) and helpful tips as you choose to live a thriving life.
More about Deb
What people are saying about Choose to Thrive
Just like my garden…if I want my plants to Thrive I must give them care. I must be aware of the temperature, water, humidity, nourishment, pests, etc. Why would we think that we as people would be any different?
I highly recommend this book to all women.
Let’s walk that walk together, ladies. We’re not meant to travel our journeys alone. Debbie, I’m honored to walk that walk with you!