As a certified Christian leadership coach and a certified Gospel-centered Enneagram coach, I partner with you so you can courageously have the influence God has called you to.

Inner struggles like control, perfectionism, loneliness, being all things to all people,  are not healthy.  Likewise, these struggles impede the influence God designed you to have.

I specialize in helping women called to lead, pastors wives, and women in long-term recovery step out boldly and thrive in their influence.  You will gain a deep understanding of the ‘why’ behind your limiting beliefs and repeated behaviors.  You will have the knowledge and confidence to implement and maintain healthy boundaries resulting in peace and perseverance.  

The freedom you seek to be all that God created and designed you to be is waiting!  Reach out now.





Healthy Boundaries

The difference between ‘boundaries’ and ‘healthy boundaries’ are 3 things grounded in love:

  1. Motives – you cannot change other people.  If this is your motive, you are setting yourself up for failure.
  2. Accountability – what is your level of commitment to change?  Without strong accountability, long-term change is unlikely.
  3. Forgiveness – bitterness, resentments, guilt and shame will keep you stuck.  You must forgive yourself and others.  Revenge belongs to the Lord.

Healthy boundaries are key to thriving in your God-ordained impact.

Join my private Facebook group:  Healthy Boundaries for Women Who Lead

My clients achieve:

  • Freedom from discontentment and self-sabotaging habits.
  • Personal and professional goals.
  • Restored personal and professional relationships.
  • Solid spiritual disciplines.
  • Clarity:  core values, life purpose, mission, vision.
  • Perseverance and peace through healthy boundaries.
  • An end to restlessness and stop asking themselves, “what’s missing?”
  • Attainment of their goals!

A “one size fits all” approach can never fully match the individual heart and soul of each uniquely created woman.  Coaching provides the confidential partnership and process you need.

To inquire about coaching:  Contact Coach Deb


Are you a pastor’s wife?

If yes, God has placed you in a position with many opportunities to influence.  John Maxwell has a famous quote, “leadership is influence.” 

Whether you see yourself as a ‘leader,’ or not, is not the question.  Rather, the question is, “what am I doing with the influence God has called me to?”

My husband and I have led a Celebrate Recovery ministry since 2006.  And, I have served in leadership positions most of my life.  

However, I did not always see myself as a leader.  Therefore, I did not embrace the opportunities God gave me to influence.  Maybe you can relate.  

I, like you, personally understand:

  • brutal loneliness 
  • having many friends, but not having ‘friends’
  • the need for confidential discussions
  • wearing masks and feeling less than authentic 
  • fears of unclear or unknown expectations
  • being in the shadow(s) of my husband / others
  • codependent behaviors due to a lack of healthy boundaries
  • carrying the weight of responsibility to get things done on my own
  • stress of my family struggles while empathizing with everyone else’s struggles
  • talking but no one is listening
  • anxiety and times of depression
  • having little time to self


My calling and deepest desire is to serve you!  Please reach out via the link below.  Let’s setup a time to chat regarding your needs.  I am happy to be that confidential listening ear you long for, if even just once.  

Email Debbie


Debbie adheres to ethical standards set forth by:
International Coach Federation and
Christian Coaches Network International.






Debbie Luxton

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