Work / life balance is everyone’s desire and, with good reason!

Seriously. Life Balance Harmony Meter Shows Lifestyle And Job DesiresDo you know anyone who doesn’t feel their life is on fast-forward all the time?

There is no shortage of articles, books, podcasts and programs to help you find “balance.” There is also no shortage of reasons why people need them! “Life balance” is one of the top reasons that people hire a life coach.


Seasons of Life

There are seasons of life and we adjust based on those seasons. When I was in the corporate world, I had times of big projects where my job required more of my time than I really liked. I had to adjust.

When my children were young, it was a season of many responsibilities that put them first. I had to adjust in other areas.

True balance simply cannot be found in many seasons of life. “Balance” defined as equal time spread across work and all the rest of life; it is a farce.

Seasons are not forever.  They pass and a new season comes in.  Peace can be a reality, no matter the life season, when you have work / life harmony.

Harmony is the FLOW of all things in your life SERVING you well. A “balance” based mindset keeps you STRIVING for something that is very unlikely to be obtained.


Harmony is the FLOW of all things in your life SERVING you well. Share on X



When your values are being violated, you will not have harmony in your life. Your core values are your compass. They are a part of you and they attempt to navigate as you work, play and live out your life.

If you’ve been following me any length of time, you are aware that I believe strongly in boundaries. Boundaries are required for work / life harmony. Boundaries are required for your core values to be met.

Bottom line: no boundaries = no serenity. No serenity = no harmony.

While seasons in your life come and go, values are always with you. They are always trying to do their job of keeping you in alignment with what is important to you.

Any season of your life can challenge your values. When this happens, you may feel out of balance. You may feel overwhelmed, discontented, anxious and/or depressed.

Harmony is found when your core values are being met no matter the season of life that you are in. Your core values will be met when you have relative boundaries in place.


[stextbox id=”custom” bwidth=”3″ color=”FAFEFF” bcolor=”8C6727″ bgcolor=”50C7C3″ bgcolorto=”50C7C3″]Be cheerful.  Keep things in good repair.  Keep your spirits up.  Think in harmony.  Be agreeable.  Do all that, and the God of love and peace will be with you for sure. ~ 2 Corinthians 13:11 (MSG)[/stextbox]


What are your thoughts regarding harmony versus balance?
I would love to hear your comments in the section below.


Stay tuned! We will look at harmony through boundaries at work, home and community in the coming weeks.


Are you struggling to find HARMONY in your life?
Why wait to put those struggles to an end?


Contact me today
Let’s discuss getting you started on life changes
that will bring the HARMONY you desire,
and the HARMONY you need, to your life!

Debbie Luxton

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