Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness. – Brené Brown

Brené Brown’s insightful quote reminds us that vulnerability is not a sign of weakness but a testament to our strength.

Vulnerability isn’t a weakness; it’s actually a sign of being strong and honest. It takes bravery to show your true feelings and fears, even if you might face criticism or rejection.

When we’re open about our vulnerabilities, it helps us connect with others on a deeper level. This honesty lets us better understand and support each other, strengthening our relationships.

In a world where people often pretend to be tough and perfect all the time, being vulnerable is like a breath of fresh air. It shows that you’re brave enough to be yourself, even when it’s tough, and that’s a pretty amazing thing to do.


In a world where people often pretend to be tough and perfect all the time, being vulnerable is like a breath of fresh air. Share on X


Pause to Pray, Ponder, & Journal

  • Do you believe that being vulnerable is a strength, not a weakness?
  • What insights or shifts in your perspective have emerged during the past month as we’ve explored vulnerability?
  • What changes in yourself do you hope to make regarding vulnerability?


Take Action Today!

Take the step to Discover and Explore the woman God created in you. Gospel-centered Enneagram Coaching. Check out the Influence Multiplied Community – private, not on social media. Coach Deb is a certified Christ-centered Enneagram Coach, Christian Leadership Coach, best-selling author, and women’s retreat leader. Coach Deb is passionate about partnering with pastors’ wives! Check out the free resources available for you.





Debbie Luxton

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