August is a tough month for women leaders.
On the one side, things are good as summer is going strong. However, on the flip side, you are all too aware that summer is quickly coming to a close.
From a business perspective, this month generally brings discussions about the current year’s spending and concern – “is the budget on track.”
These discussions are followed by fire drills to make sure overages have been well documented. And, company under-runs carry concerns about whether the money will get spent. At the same time, constructing budgets for 2017 are well underway.
From a personal perspective, kids will be returning to school shortly. This usually brings the stress-filled time of getting all the supplies bought, figuring out after school childcare, anticipating meals and “how will it all get done?”
This is coupled with thoughts of “oh my gosh, summer is almost over! That means Christmas is right around the corner!” – Oh, our thoughts do run away with us….
With all this going on at the same time – it’s no wonder that stress levels increase.
This month I hope my articles are helpful in keeping your emotional wellness high as you go through the end of summer activities.
The bottom line of “emotional wellness” is being aware and intentional about what you are feeling.
Awareness means that you pay attention to things going on in life that can drive your emotions through the roof.
For instance, my article on August 9 will talk about children returning to school. This is a time that often brings anxiety for women. So, you stay aware and you intentionally plan for it.
I don’t mean to make light of what can be a very complex topic – dealing with emotions. Barring a medical issue that needs medical attention, your emotions are a vital part of you. They go up and down, but they don’t own you – well, they shouldn’t.
Emotions do play a vital role and should not be ignored. Likewise, they should not be hidden and attempts made to stuff them deep inside.
Emotions are needed and help protect us. Emotions are also very powerful. I cannot stress enough the importance of awareness and intentionality.
When you engage in solid health disciplines like staying away from sugar, getting proper rest and exercising your emotions are easier to identify and manage.
When you engage in solid spiritual disciplines like daily prayer and meditation your emotions don’t tend to change with the wind.
Likewise, when big issues, or changes, cross your path you will tend to be more authentic and intentional about keeping things in proper perspective. That is, seeing things based on what is true versus what you think you know or the falsehoods our minds can so easily create.
[stextbox id=”custom” bwidth=”3″ color=”FAFEFF” bcolor=”8C6727″ bgcolor=”50C7C3″ bgcolorto=”50C7C3″]Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly. ~ Matthew 11:28 (MSG)[/stextbox]
Stay tuned for all articles this month to help you keep those emotions in check!
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Would love to hear your comments below.
What is going GREAT at this point of your summer?
What concerns do you have as summer will quickly come to an end?