A Gift of Love

A Gift of Love

  Looking through the lens of faith, we can see aging as a precious gift given to us by a loving God. As the years pass, we can reflect on the chapters of our lives.  With each passing day, we can gather the treasures of experience, wisdom, and resilience, adding...

Waiting On God’s Glory

  What does “valiant” bring to your mind?  A knight in shining armor?  Maybe an avenger! What about Jesus, does he come to mind?  Of course! Jesus was the most courageous and heroic person to walk the earth.  Like everything in life, He is our model.   Valiant is...
Give Yourself Time

Give Yourself Time

Time is funny thing. No better gift, than the gift of our time. We hear all of the sayings: – “Time is money”,- “Don’t waste my time”,- “Cherish these moments”,- “Time flies when you’re having fun”and my personal favorite, “ain’t no body got time for that!!”  ...
THEME for 2018

THEME for 2018

    I began setting annual themes a few short years ago.  My themes, so far, have been one word with a scriptural foundation.  For example, my theme in 2017 was REALITY.  The scriptural foundation is Philippians 4:13 – “For I can do everything through...
Debbie Luxton

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