This month we are talking about your impact on the world. Whether it’s the world in your community, or the world at large, you must prepare yourself in order to make an impact. This month, each article will have an acrostic based on a word that is critical to you journey.
We will begin this week with the word “learn.” Without a mindset of a willingness to learn, you will not get very far. No matter what impact you are called to, there will be things you need along the way; things you need to learn. There will be people you need to learn from. You must be willing to L.E.A.R.N. to achieve success.
[pullquote align=”left” cite=”Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. ~ Mahatma Ghandi” link=”” color=”#663333″ class=”” size=””][/pullquote]
L is for: LEAN
Impacting this world requires that we all lean on learning. A mindset that is focused on arriving, on knowing all there is know, will not be teachable. Everyone of us should be learning until the day our Lord takes us home. No matter the situation, discussion, who’s speaking, etc. go into it leaning into (expecting) learning.
Have a humble heart that demonstrates you are not above learning from others. Watch activities all around you. What can you learn? Consider leaders all around you and take what you see that is good and working well for them. By the same token, when you observe behaviors that go against your values; learn what you don’t want to do. When you have a mindset of continually learning you will be amazed at how people and circumstances stand out to you and what you are able to take away.
Experience is a invaluable teacher. Everything you’ve been through in your life has lessons built in. Look for lessons and learn from them. Where you are right now in your life has lessons embedded in every single day. Do you look for those lessons or do you complain and simply want the days to hurry up and pass?
Your experience is unique to you… [Tweet “Using your experience to guide yourself forward is wisdom in action.”] Sharing your learned experience with others helps them to make good choices and hopefully avoid some painful mistakes.
Look at your experiences and use them to share stories. People love to listen to true stories. Be willing to share to the benefit of others. This is one of the greatest ways to make huge impacts. You may not know the impact, but if God prompts you to share, there is impact in it.
Adversity is a great teacher. Adversity allows us to see things from other perspectives. However, those perspectives can either drive you to believe others are wrong or it can help you consider the differences in people. You may not agree with someone else, and you don’t have to, but you can appreciate that they have their own point of view and you can agree to disagree.
For adversity to be a great teacher, you have to have a positive attitude that allows for it. Without a positive outlook, adversity can result in cynicism and pessimism; neither will help you learn. Problems in life, and people with opposing opinions, are not the enemy, it’s our response that makes them the enemy. Learn to embrace adversity and your impact will benefit.
This just might be my favorite. Own what is yours. Only by owning your choices – good or bad – can you learn and become a wise leader of yourself and others. Take responsibility for leading yourself first. It is pretty easy to have high expectations of others and have a “do as I say” mentality. It is not always as easy to put the same requirements on ourselves as we would on others.
We have to learn to lead ourselves the same way we would lead others. People respect a leader who takes responsibility for what they say and do. And, when you mess up, you have an opportunity to learn, and make improvements that will speak volumes, providing you the ability to make huge impacts.
N is for: NEVER
Never say “never.” Living out your God-given impact on this world can quickly look like something that is too big. God is big and if He brings you to it, He’s going to bring you through it. Never lose your hope in the path you’ve been called to. This will be hardest in times when you feel alone on your path.
You will learn valuable lessons in the times of waiting. The times that include the “why’s.” But realize, you probably won’t get answers to your why questions. You have to be okay with that. Stay the course. You will learn with every step you take when you never give up!
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