by Debbie | Efficiencies, Influence, Leadership, Spiritual Depth, Thrive Life Tip
Next week we find ourselves at the end of the first quarter in 2021. A perfect time to reflect! Just as water mirrors your face, so your face mirrors your heart. ~ Proverbs 27:19 We can’t improve on that which we can’t clearly see. Reflection is a...
by Debbie | Boundaries, Efficiencies, Uncategorized
Can you even believe that Black Friday is next week?! How crazy is that?! I’ve just come off a week long business trip so, I’m feeling even more like, “what the heck?!” “I gotta get it together!” Bring on my checklists. Going to be a priority for me in the next couple...
by Debbie | Connecting, Efficiencies, Uncategorized
As we move into the Holiday Season, having a great support system is even more important than it is throughout every other time in our lives. An integrated personal support system (IPSS) – dare I create another acronym? Well, you know, I just can’t get away from...