What is the “most important daily habit of successful leaders?” Practicing Patience.
Just as the leaves in fall don’t turn to beautiful colors overnight…
People have said for a very long time, “don’t pray for patience!” Why? Because God will give you opportunities to practice it.
Who needs more of those? Actually, you just might.
A long time ago, I coined the phrase “Waiting On God’s Glory” or WOGG for short. I like this acronym and description much better than the word patience.
No doubt, that’s because I have never been a patient person. Even so, I have learned that God’s timing is always perfect. Furthermore, there are reasons far greater than I am ready to know or understand as to why things don’t happen when I think they should.
Learning to wait on God is critical to your success as a leader. Just think for a minute, what could happen if you take others into situations they are not ready for?
When you demonstrate patience, those you lead will see the benefits that naturally result. Your personal habits effect every part of your life and they influence those around you.
Learning to wait on God is critical to your success as a leader. Share on X
2 Tips for Cultivating WOGG (Patience) Daily
1. Do not rush into the day. If you have to get up 20-30 minutes earlier; do it. You NEED time (even just a few minutes!) to pray and listen.
Preparing your heart and mind for the day ahead is vital. You have no idea what might occur on any given day.
Intentionality to cultivate a waiting spirit develops your ability to respond rather than react. God will be glorified, and you will be at peace when you operate through patient responses.
2. Do not move forward on your own logic. Wait until you have confirmation from God.
People often think God only cares about the big things. NOT SO! He cares about every single detail.
Pray over everything and wait. He won’t forget and He won’t leave you hanging. He may be quiet. That is when you know it’s not time yet.
Tough for High-Achievers
Waiting can be tough. I get this!
It is important to know when God is speaking. I am one who likes for God to give me a flashing neon sign on the highway. Can’t say that’s happened even once. It has happened, just not literally.
God speaks quietly and He speaks with confirmations. The problem is, most of us don’t like to be still long enough to hear Him or to see the confirmations He provides.
Being intentional to turn around my inherent lack of patience is worth every ounce of effort. I’ve had to learn the hard way, over and over again, that my logic and “get it down now” character is not superior to God’s perfect timing.
[stextbox id=”custom” bwidth=”3″ color=”FAFEFF” bcolor=”8C6727″ bgcolor=”50C7C3″ bgcolorto=”50C7C3″]Finishing is better than starting. Patience is better than pride. ~ Ecclesiastes 7:8 (NLT)[/stextbox]
No matter how you define “success,” your single most important daily habit is patience.
God desires to be glorified through your life. When you wait on Him, you wait on His glory and the outcomes are best for everyone.
The holidays are right around the corner. Are you ready? Practicing patience at a time of the year when stress typically prevails will be nearly impossible.
NOW is the time to work with me and
put healthy boundaries in place.
Thanksgiving and Christmas only come once a year.
Take action NOW.
Do all you can to experience a
peaceful and joyful holiday season!