Many women struggle with the fear of rejection. This concern comes in many different varieties and not always do we recognize that fear of rejection or being betrayed is at the heart of our anxiety. This is the second post in a handful series on fear.
Do you ever struggle with thoughts that go something like this:
“will my husband leave me for someone prettier or younger?”
“my friend just threw me under the bus!”
“I haven’t heard any feedback from my job interview, I guess they don’t want me.”
“if my presentation isn’t a hit it I’ll be looking for a new job!”
“He’s never going to talk to me again, I should have never said that”
It’s not that these thoughts are bad in and of themselves. The problem is when these type of thoughts play over and over again. All to often, they can easily lead to actions that make things much worse. Your mind can build up scenario’s that have no foundation. Next thing you know, your fear of rejection brought you to a place of using your money, time, body, talents in ways that made you feel worse than you did before.
If you have found yourself in the place of making choices you wish you wouldn’t have, please know you are not alone. Most of us have made mistakes like this more than once. Walking through these situations is never easy, but they can actually be a blessing in disguise. These are times when God is waiting with His arms wide open. Really!
Picture this, we get ourselves in a place of feeling terrible – we feel rejected, we do something we shouldn’t have and the end result is a great big pity party! May I just say that our pity parties are excellent open doors for your Heavenly Father to comfort you and demonstrate the power of His love for you. I can personally attest to this truth (many times over)!
Even if you haven’t found yourself dealing with the rejection/betrayal points listed above, I would ask you to consider what forms of rejection may be hanging around; still getting in your way on occasion. I invite you to consider attending the upcoming “Get Away” Retreat titled SERENITY.
In this annual women’s retreat we will be discussing the book by Angie Smith, “What Women Fear: Walking in Faith that Transforms.” Fear, no matter what form it comes in, steals your serenity. It’s not possible for you to be the best you when fear is lurking.
My retreats are held in beautiful Branson, MO in fully equipped condominiums. You receive:
– a study guide and a copy of the book “What Women Fear”,
– time to reconnect with God,
– share and grow with other women
and much more! No more than 12 women keeps the environment intimate and opportune for you to fully enjoy everything about your retreat experience.
Click here to receive all the SERENITY Retreat details and testimonials. This is the final week for the greatest savings – 15% off when you and a friend register. Don’t delay, this is a TREMENDOUS savings on this already GREAT deal!