“God transforms broken lives into trophies of his grace.” ~ Open Doors Devotional
Our God is the Master of transformation 🙌
You might be thinking, “well of course!” But, guess what?
Transformation requires your participation. A willingness, on your part, to take part in the transforming work of the Master.
In some seasons the transformation work is evident and we are well aware that God is transforming us. In other seasons, and probably more often, we don’t have much awareness that God is guiding us through transformation.
Our individual holiness is top priority and therefore, transformation is never ending this side of heaven.
⏸ Pause to Journal
- To what degree, right now, are you participating in God’s transforming work in your life?
- How might you be fighting against God’s transforming work in your life?
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The wicked triumph only briefly;
the joy of the godless is only momentary.
Job 20:5
⏸ What is going on around you that you need to remember, “the wicked triumph only briefly?”
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I heard a preacher say, “we have to encourage ourselves.”
He referred to the Psalms and David’s incredible examples of doing just that.
When the enemy steals, kills and destroys in your life, it’s up to you to triumph. It’s up to you to participate in God’s plan. It’s up to you to be willing to go after that which is yours.
You have all you need
in Jesus to triumph!
⏸ Final Pause
- What are you doing to fight the triumph of evil in your life?
- What would you like to do that you aren’t?  What’s keeping you from it?
- Write your prayer of gratitude that Jesus has triumphed over evil.
✽ Prayerfully stay the course. Don’t give up before the miracle happens.
✽ Set and maintain healthy boundaries. Don’t fool yourself, boundaries are not optional.
✽ Celebrate continually. Don’t allow yourself to overlook your victories; every single victory is important to be celebrated.
Coach Deb is a certified Christian leadership coach who works with women called to lead. Her passion is to help women step out boldly and embrace their influence. The question is not, do you have influence? The question is, what influence are you having?
Coach Deb will help you eliminate the leadership struggles of loneliness, perfectionism, control, and self-defeating mindsets. She will partner with you to set and achieve the goals of your heart. Get unstuck, take action, and THRIVE in all that God has called you to!
Reach out to Coach Deb today to schedule a free inquiry session!