by Debbie | Authenticity, Connecting, Influence, Spiritual Depth
Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness. – Brené Brown Brené Brown’s insightful quote reminds us that vulnerability is not a sign of weakness but a testament to our strength....
by Debbie | Authenticity, Connecting, Influence, Uncategorized
Looking through the lens of faith, we can see aging as a precious gift given to us by a loving God. As the years pass, we can reflect on the chapters of our lives. With each passing day, we can gather the treasures of experience, wisdom, and resilience, adding...
by Debbie | Boundaries, Influence, Journaling
Seven tips to keep Jesus our main thing during the busy, hot summer months 1. Stay determined to get daily quiet time in. It doesn’t have to be a long period. Just taking 15 minutes (we can all find 15 minutes!) a day can make all the difference in the world in...
by Debbie | Influence, Spiritual Depth, Uncategorized
We say it all the time – “God has a plan.” “GOD HAS A PLAN!” A disturbing life situation occurs and we respond – “God has a plan.” A young person goes home to be with Jesus. – “God has a plan.” A situation doesn’t turn out as we prayed....
by Debbie | Influence, Spiritual Depth
Our physical and emotional states can impact our ability to communicate with Jesus at the center. It’s not that our desire isn’t there. Most of us desire to honor Jesus in our conversations. Even so, it’s important to be aware when we are most...
by Debbie | Boundaries, Influence, Leadership
Boundaries are a necessary component of leading ourselves well and leading others well. Kindness is a necessary component of healthy boundaries. Without boundaries, our influence suffers. People will lose faith in what we say, and it will take longer for our...