What does “valiant” bring to your mind?  A knight in shining armor?  Maybe an avenger!

What about Jesus, does he come to mind?  Of course!

Jesus was the most courageous and heroic person to walk the earth.  Like everything in life, He is our model.  

Valiant is not a word I hear commonly used.  But, when I think about it, I see valiant people all around me.


Are You Valiant?

Do you see yourself as valiant?  Don’t be too quick to shy away and say, ‘no.’

Your first thought might be that you would be bragging if you answered, yes.  Well, maybe.  Depends on the condition of your heart.
If you believe it’s because of you that you are valiant then, yes.  That would in fact be bragging.  

However, if you recognize that you are valiant because of Jesus then, that is not bragging.  That is giving credit where credit is due!

I look at the seasons of my life and see that I am valiant and I am forever grateful.  I’ve made decisions in life that were not the best by a long shot.
Jesus is the one who picked me up and moved me forward.  He is the One that stood beside me, loved me, made me the woman that I am.

Because of Him, I’ve come through much and I’ve accomplished much.


[perfectpullquote align=”left” bordertop=”false” cite=”It is not what we read, but what we remember, that makes us learned. It is not what we intend, but what we do that makes us useful. It is not a few faint wishes, but a life long struggle, that makes us valiant. ~ Henry Ward Beecher” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””][/perfectpullquote]



Waiting on God’s Glory

Devotional themes I am sharing on social media, and in my private community, in recent weeks have included ‘wilderness’ and ‘valiant.’   Getting to the place of valiant is probably going to require some wilderness.  No one gets to valiant without difficulties and lots of hard work.

I coined the acronym WOGG, Waiting on God’s Glory’ during a very difficult season of life.  There are lots of reasons I would not want to do that season over but, God showed up over and over again.  I had one of the biggest transformations in my life during that season.

In recovery, we say, “God never wastes a hurt.”  I believe this with all my heart.  I’ve seen many people move to valiant when they became willing to let God lead and do what only He can do in your heart and in the hearts of others.


Through God, we will do valiantly,
for it is He who shall tread down our enemies.
Psalm 108:13






From Your Head to Your Heart ~ Journal Prompts:

  • What wilderness do you find yourself in?
  • What is your contribution to you being in this wilderness season?
  • What do you believe God is doing during this wilderness time?
  • What would it take for you to see yourself as valiant on the other side of this wilderness season?



Ready to be Valiant?

Step In, Step Out a small group coaching program
for women, God has called to lead.

Begins March 17.  Click for Program Information

Discount pricing available through March 3!
10 participants maximum,
45-minute sessions, 8 weeks.

“At the end of our lives, our greatest regrets will be the God ordained opportunities we left on the table, the God-given passions we didn’t pursue, and the God sized dreams we didn’t go after because we let fear dictate our decisions.”
~ Mark Batterson, Chase the Lion

“We live in a time when the need could not be greater for every woman to fully embrace her influence.” Share on X


[Tweet “Take courage therefore, and be very valiant: ~ Joshua 1:7”]


Walking and Hiking Journal Entry

Continuing my commitment to journal my walking and hiking journey…..

I’ve gotten back to walking after the winter freeze and snow across most of the country.  I’m grateful!
My walk each day has been pretty typical.  Nothing out of the ordinary to report.
I am looking forward to the summer (not trying to rush the seasons!).  We have 3 trips planned so far.  HIKING is coming!!


Comment below.  Tell us how you are valiant!


Coach Deb partners with women called to lead so they will face their greatest challenges, embrace their influence, and thrive in godly leadership!
Small groups, mountain retreats, and individual coaching.
Available for speaking engagements, small group, & retreat facilitation.

Community:  Healthy Boundaries for Women Who Lead 
Book:  Choose to THRIVE, Conquering Your Inner Conflicts
Retreats: Serenity, Authentic Influence, One Thing Leads to Another

#WomenWhoLead #WomenCalledtoLead #InfluenceMultiplied #HealthyBoundaries #OneLifetoTHRIVE


Debbie Luxton

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