
Keep these Fun Tips simple or make them into something bigger. The choice is yours!

My goal is simply to provide you some ideas for ensuring your summer 2016 doesn’t just pass you by.

Take a couple of hours after work or an hour out of your day. Nothing has to be an all day event unless that’s what you want to make it. Don’t assume you “don’t have time” for summer fun!!

No matter what you choose to do, be sure to stay hydrated. Safety is always key no matter what fun activities you embark upon. Make sure it is part of your planning!


1. Memories Fun

Do something special with or for a family member(s). A favorite saying of mine (I have one child that continually reminds me) when my kids were growing up was, “making memories!” Oh, I could tell some great stories of times that come to mind right now as I am typing this. That’s a whole other article…..

This summer, my husband and I are going with our parents on an Alaskan Cruise. Granted, this is a BIG trip that we’ve been planning for a while. Having fun with family doesn’t have to be a big vacation, it just has to be intentional.


Having fun doesn't have to be a big vacation, it just has to be intentional. Share on X


Make memories through a family outing, vacation, special dinner or through any of the ideas in this article.

If you are still considering somewhere to visit for a vacation, or a weekend get-away, check out places to visit in your home state, neighboring states or those your desire to visit.

You can simply search in your web browser by “visit California” or “visit ________” whatever state you are interested in.

Create a “family memories” photo album!


2. Pokemon Go Fun

Okay, I know…. “It’s everywhere!” I am not a person who plays games on my phone or computer. I could never get into that sort of thing. I finally came to the conclusion that’s it because I feel like I’m not being productive. Being productive is one of my core values so, that’s important for me to pay attention to.

However, I was in Colorado with a couple of my children recently and they were playing Pokemon Go. As was my husband and my children’s (young adult children) friends. Thus, everyone around me was doing it.

I finally decided to give it a try. I downloaded the game and then I actually deleted it b/c I thought “it’s a waste of my time.” Then, it happened…..  Their excitement drew me in! I really liked the fun we were having in sharing what we “caught” or finding places to “gather Pokeball’s.”

We went to a local park and there were a lot of people playing the game. As we walked around (walking helps you earn things) we passed one couple that struck up a conversation about the game. It was fun to have a quick conversation with new people.

I know that there are reports of some dangerous things related to the game. Just like anything, you have to exercise wisdom. I wouldn’t go to places alone to play. Nor, am I the type that will allow the game to get in the way of my priorities. So, for me, it’s been fun. It might be for you too!

Official Pokemon Go site: http://www.pokemongo.com/en-us/


3. Water Fun

Oceans, rivers, lakes, streams, waterparks, pools – the possibilities are endless!

Let’s start with swimming, an AWESOME activity that is both great exercise and fun; it’s a 2-fer! Grab a friend, grandkids, church group or go by yourself.

Boating, canoeing, paddleboat, kayaks are all fun things to do on the water. You may have a park or rental facility near you for this equipment.

How much fun would it be to take a grandchild and talk while renting a paddleboat?! Or, how about time alone that gets you exercise and time to think without interruptions?

How about a water balloon toss or fight?


4. Hiking/Biking/Walking Fun

Take a look at the map for a local park or a well-known park in your area of the country. Trails are easily found. Hiking is a great activity for exercise, spending time with others and for learning.

Check out the wild flowers, waterways, trees and animal tracks you see.

Recently, my husband and I were in Denver with a couple of our children and friends. We visited a well-known park in Denver and rented a bicycle for 6. It was a blast! We laughed so hard and absolutely enjoyed the adventure.

I live in an area of the country with a well-known bike trail that runs for many miles through many towns. I bet you have one in your area too!

Take your team at work on a team bike riding venture!


5. Game Fun

Games are a great way to work your mind, bond with people and get some friendly competition going!

Frisbee, volleyball, badminton, baseball, beach ball, croquet, horseshoes, washers, sidewalk chalk and more!
There are lots of fun outdoor games.

Now, I will say, “beware” if you are highly competitive. Competitive folks need to go into games with intentionally if one of their goals is to have fun at it.

Competitive people can lose the FUN of a game too easily. Know yourself and be intentional about playing for fun instead of playing just to win.


6. Scavenger Hunt Fun

Scavenger hunts are awesome and fun for young and old. Scavenger hunts can occur indoors, outdoors or both.

It can be a neighborhood hunt, family or other team activity. You can use things in nature, things you plant in various places or items throughout your house (even in your fridge!).

To add even more fun, create teams of 2 or more people working together through the hunt.

Your scavenger hunt can be a race to the finish or it can be a treat for all who finish or even give it their best shot.

Take your dog along so they get some exercise and have fun too!

Good site for scavenger hunt ideas: http://www.diva-girl-parties-and-stuff.com/scavenger-hunts.html


[stextbox id=”custom” bwidth=”3″ color=”FAFEFF” bcolor=”8C6727″ bgcolor=”50C7C3″ bgcolorto=”50C7C3″]There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God, ~ Ecclesiastes 2:24 (ESV)[/stextbox]


Having trouble finding time for fun activities?
Or, do you feel guilty about taking fun time?

You are not alone! These are COMMON things we tell ourselves.

Summer 2016 only has a few weeks left.
Don’t let the summer pass you by!

Plan and execute some Summer Fun!!


Contact Coach Deb to discuss how Life Coaching can help





Debbie Luxton

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