Part 1 of a 5-Part Series on IMPACT
This month, March 2017, I plan to talk about “IMPACT.” I want to begin by taking a look back at the topic of “Transform,” the 2nd element in the One Life to THRIVE upcoming retreat, May 4-7, in Colorado Springs.
Transform and impact are topics near and dear to my heart. God has transformed a lot in me and there’s, no doubt, He has more to come! Without transformation, “IMPACT” does not occur.
This post is much different than my original plan. That too, is how God works.
Last week I released my book, “Choose to THRIVE: Conquering Your Inner Conflicts.” This morning I was reading posts from ladies who are supporting me in the launch of this book. I am completed humbled and grateful at how God is using this book.
Were it not for His transformations in me, this book would never have been realized.
A launch celebration will take place this evening, 7:00 p.m. CT, on my Facebook business page; I would love to have you join in!
Leading up to the launch of my book, I was blessed to participate in several interviews:
Rhonda Peterson hosts a wonderful podcast called, “Bold and Courageous Leader.” Love that! Access this broadcast – Episode 33: “Having a Thriving Life.”
April Diane hosts an incredible show on Sunday mornings called, “Queens Stand Up.” Love this also! Access this broadcast – “Steps to THRIVE”
Celeste Davis hosts an amazing show called, “The Wellness Workshop.” Love this too! While the show wasn’t recorded, the feedback received from those who listened was absolutely wonderful. Access her page here: The Wellness Workshop.
The National Association of Professional Women (NAPW) has blessed me twice by having me on a “Spotlight” segment and presenting a webinar; “Confident Steps to a Thriving Life.”
I serve on the Board of Directors for the St. Louis NAPW Chapter as the Director of Community Outreach.
I will present a webinar through Christian Coaches Network International on
March 16; “Foundations for a Thriving Life.” Sign-up here!
You’ve heard me talk about it, but have you taken the step of faith to register? “One Thing Leads to Another.” A retreat in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in a place so serene where the presence of God amazing!
It would seem this article is all about amazing things, transformation, going on in my life.
I have experienced God is amazing transformation (I can’t say that enough!). I share all of what’s in this article because I hope it will encourage you.
We must share of the “night and day difference” God has made in our lives. That’s from 1 Peter 2:9-10.
In The Message version, this scripture reads: “But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people. God’s instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted.”
I WILL tell of the night-and-day difference he has made for me!
He desires to help you step out from whatever holds you back from living the plan He created and designed you for.
You have an “IMPACT” calling on your life. “IMPACT” is the 3rd element we will focus on at the upcoming “One Thing Leads to Another” retreat.
We all have that “one thing” that we need sit up and take notice of.
That, “one thing” we need to allow God to do what only He can do.
That, “one thing” in stepping out to live His plan for our lives; to make the “IMPACT” He created and designed us for.
Are you ready? Visit One Life to THRIVE for all the details. Registration closes soon.
I’ve been hosting women’s retreats since 2010. With this being my first retreat in the Colorado location, you have the opportunity to become a Founding Member!
Congratulations on the book!
Thanks so much, Alicia!