Here we are at Part 3 of this 4-part series on TRANSFORM. We’ve talked about discontent (Part 1) and why inner struggles, like discontent, keep returning (Part 2).
As God would have it, it’s no coincidence that we are discussing transformation right when my book, “Choose to THRIVE: Conquering Your Inner Conflicts,” will be releasing on February 27.
Going over the final formatted manuscript the last few days brought back so many past memories. It wasn’t the joy-filled process it should be.
It was a great reminder of how easy it is to slip into thoughts that can drive mood and attitude down hill real fast. It happens to all of us!
What to do?
Here’s what I did:
1. I prayed. I went to God, poured out my heart and listened.
2. I spent time in scripture and I read from my current reading material where I expected to find something encouraging and helpful.
3. I followed what I heard. “Use your prayer team.” I have a prayer team over the ministry I am working on and I have a very supportive group I belong to for authors. So, I posted prayer requests in both groups.
4. I took in the message from my reading material, Visioneering by Andy Stanley. This book has touched me in many ways, but one thing that jumped out on Sunday morning was: “Don’t tolerate things that have the potential to derail your vision.”
5. I got myself ready and I went to church. The main thing I remember about the sermon was: “God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.” “Trust God.”
6. I listened to words out of my own mouth as I encouraged others after church during conversations and heard truth.
7. I smiled and thanked God for how He so graciously gave me people who lift me up in prayer, how he gave me messages I needed to hear and how he gave me such a wonderful husband who supports me.
Inner conflicts will rise up. I don’t care who you are or how good life may be. “Junk” rises up within everyone at some point in time.
Personally, I think this is a good thing. It helps us remember:
- we aren’t in control,
- God has brought us out of the pit(s),
- we will always need to lean upon Him,
- growth and the process of holiness will never end; not on this earth.
7 Steps to THRIVE
Tonight I will be interviewed on the Wellness Workshop radio program. I’ll talk about 7 steps that keep you in a place of thriving.
In the nutshell…. You need a foundation. These steps not only help you build that foundation but when taken over and over again, they help you stay there. Join us TONIGHT!
Transformation is a Process
You don’t wake up one day and turn off things like discontent (just using the example we started with). You can certainly stuff it for a day or even weeks, months or many years. But, this will never allow you to thrive.
Stuffing is a short-term, short-sided component of a denial mentality. It’s you trying to control, rather than you releasing and taking away the power of the discontentment (or whatever the issue is you need to transform.)
Transformation begins with a willingness to truly let go and allow God to do what only He can. This is followed by using transformation tools, like things I used in my real life example above:
– Prayer
– Help from others
– Encouragement (reading, attending church…)
– Listening to God
– Desire to see and accept truth
– Gratitude
Anytime transformation is in progress, and it’s ALWAYS in progress, there will be some opposition that tries to keep you from moving forward. You must have a solid foundation!
As the saga continues
Yesterday I received a message that the formatting in my book had been lost! I got this right before heading out to the women’s group I lead on Monday afternoons.
Roadblocks are a given. With this book, they’ve been borderline ridiculous!
Last night, things looked pretty dim for making the publishing deadline of one week out. This morning much has changed.
An alternative solution was offered and we are off again. Where was I after getting the discouraging news on my way to my group?
A few quick seconds of “I’m never going to get this book published!” Then, I relied on my foundation: prayer, listening, stepping back to see truth, etc.
This encouraging message from Christian Caine came this morning: “If the past calls you today, let it go to voicemail. It has nothing new to say!”
Based on Isaiah 43:18-19 which tells us: “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland” (Isaiah 43:18-19)
Why is it so important?
The Lord ALWAYS make a way through our wilderness!
The Lord always makes a way in our wilderness! Share on XTransformation is a never ending process that blesses you over and over and over again.
Beginning the process of transformation and building a firm foundation is critical to your thriving life!
You hear it from me all the time and I can’t say it enough. God created and designed you for amazing IMPACT in this world.
Are you going to step into that impact or are you going to wonder in your wilderness?
God created and designed you for amazing IMPACT in this world. Share on X
Have You Registered?
Time is running out!
Ladies are taking the step to CONNECT, TRANSFORM, IMPACT!!
Join the Movement while there’s still time:
May 4-7, 2017
A Royal Retreat for Women Who Lead,
“One Thing Leads to Another”
Beautiful, Serene, Unplugged – Glen Eyrie Castle in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains
Colorado Springs, CO
Got questions? Of course, you do!
Visit: One Life to THRIVE for all the details
Got more questions? Probably! And, that’s good! Email me.
- I am happy to answer your questions via email or jump on a call with you.
- We can also setup a call with your leadership team or group. I am happy to arrange a video call so you can see and talk to me live!
Please share your comments on TRANSFORM below!