
If you are keeping up with the “Work of Clarity” Series, you know that this is the 2nd of 4 blog posts that will take us through PERSONAL clarity.  In this work, we are building a “Personal Platform” that will provide the necessary foundation for success and, likewise, will sustain us as we travel the path of reaching our goals.

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and

the day you find out why.” ~Mark Twain

In my January newsletter,
THRIVE, I talked about the lack of personal clarity as a major contributing factor in people not achieving their goals. Without a clear understanding of values, purpose, vision and mission it becomes an exercise in beating ourselves up.

We rush to set goals because it’s the first of the year and we know that’s what we should do.  Then, around 4-6 weeks later, we hit the “let down” period where we’ve completely lost sight of our goals. Another year and another time to feel like a failure and put ourselves down.

Last weeks post was on core vales. You can find it here. Knowing what you truly value most (often, it isn’t what you think) is important as you we now talk about your life purpose.


A life purpose statement is our best understanding of God’s plan for our lives. Your life purpose is why you are here. It represents what you believe God created you for.

Coming up with your life purpose statement takes time and reflection. A reflection of how you have grown in your life to be where you are now.  It’s a reflection of your core values, your passions, your strengths and those things that move your heart.

Your life purpose is the everyday expression of who you are when you are reaching your full potential. Let’s say that again and make it personal this time. Altogether now – “my life purpose is the everyday expression of who I am when I am reaching my full potential.” Awesome!

[Tweet ““my life purpose is the everyday expression of who I am when I am reaching my full potential.””]

Some people never look for their purpose. They just are. When a person has sought out their purpose and feel they know it, it is very difficult for them not to act upon it. It resonates so deeply within you, that you can’t keep from praying and seeking where you are to go with it (that would be your vision which is coming next week.  One thing at a time because slow and steady wins the race!).


Putting your purpose into a statement is powerful. It seems crazy that your reason for existing could be summed up into one statement, but we should be thankful that it can. Having a statement that can be referred to and visualized provides great meaning and motivation. It makes the preparation of your vision and mission statements (coming in blog posts 3 and 4 of this series) much easier.

Understanding your purpose will drive where you put your resources, how you build your legacy and cultivate the desire within you to be always be better.

You will find the terms purpose/vision/mission used interchangeably.  This is unfortunate.  Your purpose is very personal and it is unique to you. It’s between you and God.  It’s not the same as your vision or mission, or the values that guide you.  Your purpose does not change.  Your vision and mission can change with seasons of your life.

Your life purpose is the path you travel.  It is not a final destination.

We must build a strong Personal Platform (foundation) before we set out to impact the world. That foundation has 4 parts: Core Values, Life Purpose, Vision and it’s Mission. Only after these components are very clear to you does it make any sense to set goals and chart the course.

Building a Personal Platform includes:

Core Values = Who you are
Life Purpose = Why you are
Vision = Where you are headed
Mission = How you will get there


How to Determine Your Life Purpose

To Begin you want to move to a quiet and still area. No moving parts, no distractions if at all possible. Silence your phone or, better yet, leave it in another room if possible.

Prayer is a must. At the foundation of everyone’s existence is the purpose of bringing glory and honor to their Creator. Living this out is what brings forth unique purpose for each one. No two people are created just alike.

Psalm 46:10 states: “Be still and know that I am God.” Honoring this scripture is imperative when writing your purpose statement. Don’t be surprised if your mind tries to wonder, the phone rings, the doorbell dings and the dog begins to bark. The enemy of your soul really hopes you never get clear on your personal life purpose!

A Q&A will take place this afternoon (January 19, 2016) regarding Life Purpose.
Contact me NOW for all the details!

January 12, 2016-February 2, 2016
I am offering a FREE “Work of Clarity” opportunity.  Each week we will look at Personal Platform building:  core values, life purpose, vision and mission.

Tap into all the details in the January Issue of THRIVE!

Contact Coach Deb TODAY for information on the “Personal Platform” Program
set the foundation for a life of well lived!


Debbie Luxton

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