Two Women In Living Room Smiling

CONNECT – 3 Part Series: 
Part 3 – Authentic Connection with Like-Minded Women

Women long for authentic, real connection, but how do we have time in this crazy busy world to make that happen? Furthermore, what does “authentic connection” really mean.

Let’s start with the second question…

One of Merriam-Webster’s definitions for authentic is “true to one’s own personality, spirit, or character.”

Sounds easy enough; right?  Just be yourself.

Well, okay. “I’ll work on that!”

Hmmm. How long could we spend on this! So, long that I’m sure it could be a book in and of itself. I’ll not write you a book here in this article. You can thank me in the comments below :o)

“Authentic Connection” for women who lead can occur when:
1. Women are secure in themselves because they are rooted in who they were created to be
2. Women have access to a healthy environment for the purpose of sharing
3. Women are willing to be transparent when they want/need to be
4. Women take the time to make the connection(s) happen.


Secure in Self

When it comes to connection with like-minded women, I have discovered multiple things about myself (you might be able to relate):

* I love helping people be the best they can be. As far back as I can remember, I have stepped out to help others advance their skills, career, personal lives and more.

* However, when it comes to like-minded women, strong-willed leader types, I have often felt a “rub” upon first meeting and find myself thinking thinking, hmmm – “won’t be talking to her much.”

* Isn’t it interesting that most of these, like-minded women (ladies very much like myself), have become very, very good friends of mine! “God has done this to me many times over in my life!”

It is my experience, that with like-minded women I can have insecurities rise up really quickly.   I certainly don’t see it as insecurities but that really is the bottom line.

The connections I seek, more often than not, will eventually get there, but I have gotten in my own way and delayed what could have been realized much sooner.

My insecurities drove my personality until I walked through them with God and others I trusted. I lived many years not being true to the person God created me to be.

Sadly, this is the story of far too many women.


Healthy Environments

You don’t need an “environment” to be true to your own personality. Unfortunately, most of us have been in situations at work or home where we succumb to being who we believe we are supposed to be.

Do this long enough and you believe that’s truly who you are.

Peer pressure, competition, unhealthy leadership styles, and more can easily cause us to put on appearances that aren’t representative of our authentic selves.

This really comes back to the first point of being secure in who you are created to be, but let’s continue talking environment here.

Having an environment to discuss concerns related to work or living situations and to address behaviors outside your values is really important.

Some ladies can do this in local professional organizations, church groups or with friends. Some do not believe they have anywhere for the discussions that should be occurring. I know this one all too well.

One Life to THRIVE seeks to provide this environment through retreats and the community beyond the retreats.

The community is not fully established yet, but this is a primary goal. To help women who lead have the safe space, the healthy environment needed to cultivate, grow and maintain authentic connections.  Become a founding member and help to develop this community!



Transparency will come as a woman becomes comfortable in her own skin and when she has the safe and healthy environment(s) to share.

I’ve talked many times in my articles about the difference between authenticity and transparency.

Simply put:
– Authenticity is an all the time thing
– Transparency has a right time and place


Taking the Time

Back to the first question in this article and now we get down to an issue where desire and priorities must come into alignment. There is no other way.

A member of the One Life to THRIVE leadership team states, “if you want community, you have to take part in the community.”   She is correct.

The authentic connection you seek will not happen until you put the time and effort into making it happen.


May 4-7, 2017 in a Royal Location

One Life to THRIVE will hold an inaugural retreat this coming May. This retreat offers you “Founding Member” status and founding member benefits.

This retreat will be held at Glen Eyrie Castle in Colorado Springs.

I was recently asked, “why Colorado.”  Here’s why:

  • One Life to THRIVE is a movement. A movement of women who lead. Strong-willed women of influence who are ready to make sure they are having the impact they were created and designed for. Or, they are ready to step into their calling because they know they are not fulfilling the passion of their heart.
A movement of women fulfilling their God-ordained IMPACT Share on X
  • A “movement” must have a strong base. Colorado Springs is home to multiple national and international God-ordained organizations.
  • God not only chose Colorado, he chose Glen Eyrie Castle. I have been blessed to visit the castle multiple times now and I have had the opportunity to spend the night. The presence of God is amazing. He has clothed this location with incredible beauty and amazing serenity.

God has provided in Glen Eyrie a step back in time where getting “unplugged” will be no problem at all.  The draw to connect with God and like-minded women is so powerful you won’t want to miss out on a moment of opportunity.

Visit the One Life to THRIVE website for all the details.  The retreat title is “One Thing Leads to Another.”


Begin with this “one thing”
the retreat,
this movement,
put in motion the IMPACT God created you for. 






Debbie Luxton

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