A quote from a book I am reading (No More Faking Fine by Esther Fleece) states: “It takes emotional and spiritual maturity to choose to opt-out of these things temporarily and take care of your soul.”

What are the things in your life that you need to “opt-out of” to “take care of your soul?” Even just for a weekend at a beautiful castle!  More on this later… 

Women who lead must not set aside the soul care they so desperately need.

In this same book, Esther Fleece states:  “It takes courage to rest when the world sees productivity, full-throttle hustling, and chasing big dreams as things of ultimate value.”

Wow!  Do we have the courage to “opt out?”

It takes courage to opt-out for soul care. Share on X


Opt-out for Authentic Leadership

I would suggest to you that true leadership, authentic leadership, must find the courage to “opt-out.”  We cannot lead others well when we are not leading ourselves well.  Soul care is a must.

What do we teach others when we choose to go constantly and rarely rest?  Even vacations often don’t provide the “soul care” that we require.  I’ve been on plenty of family vacations where I needed a vacation from the vacation!  Just saying, it can be that way.

“Authentic” – Per Merriam-Webster: true to one’s own personality, spirit, or character.

Unfortunately, too many of us find ourselves in a place of “artificial personality.” We operate in a place of being who we think we are supposed to be, rather than being true to who we were created to be.

It’s an easy place to find ourselves in our busy lives and especially as women leaders.


Plan It and Do It

Caring for your soul, leading with your authentic self, won’t just happen.  It takes effort.  I firmly believe it takes daily effort.  And, every now and then, it takes turning the world off for a bit.  A time of sabbatical is wonderful! 

Women who lead need to give themselves permission to get away from the constant load they naturally carry as leaders.  A time to truly relax, refresh and renew their spirit.  An “opt out” from their norm.

Below is a perfect opportunity for you to “opt-out” for a weekend and truly care for your soul. I would love to have you join this intimate retreat (only 8 women maximum!).  I have been hosting intimate retreats for women since 2010.  The results I have witnessed are amazing. 

Even so, there are many options for you to opt-out of the norm and take care of you.  Plan It and Do It!  It truly is critical to for you to be the best leader you can be.


An Opt-Out Option

Join the upcoming AUTHENTIC INFLUENCE retreat for women who lead. Connect with like-minded women as we explore our own authenticity and how we influence others.  Soul care at it’s best!  Registration ENDS July 15!

The location, Glen Eyrie Castle, is beyond amazing.
The timing,
September 14-17, 2018, is perfect for beautiful Colorado weather.
The topic, Authentic Influence, will nourish soul.

Retreat Details-Click here

Watch this amazing video

Here’s short video I did on Facebook Live

One more video I did with retreat details

Beautiful Glen Eyrie Castle in the background…




Debbie Luxton

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