“Grace” is a word I’ve been hearing and seeing a lot lately:
Last Friday night at my Celebrate Recovery group the lesson was “Grace”
This past Sunday at church the sermon was on “Grace”
Today in my quiet time the devotional and scripture was on “Grace”
I think there may be something for me to hear on this subject of “Grace!”
Scripture has says:a lot to say about grace. One piece of scripture that caught me today says: “From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another.”
Think about this,
* if it wasn’t for the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, we wouldn’t be blessed with the promise of an eternal life that will be incredibly more grand than we could ever fathom.
* If it wasn’t for his sacrifice my marriage wouldn’t be restored and relationships healed.
* If it wasn’t for this thing called “grace”, I wouldn’t love when others are so ugly.
* If it wasn’t for this thing called “grace”, I wouldn’t reach out when it’s easier to ignore.
* If it wasn’t for this thing called “grace”, I would be happy with the status quo instead of living to the greatness I was created and designed for.
“Grace” is a freely given gift. I don’t deserve it and I can’t earn it. It’s been freely given from God the Father through his Son, Jesus Christ. Because of it, I am blessed so far beyond what I could even ask for. Why? Because he loves each one of us unconditionally.
Why then, is it so hard for me to give this same gift to others? Why do I hold back when I know, deep down, that the other person needs it from me? The answer to these questions may boil down to a single source. Fear. Many would say they aren’t afraid of anything. On the surface that may be true. But, in the depths of our being, fear is the culprit; especially when we are withholding grace. I know there are many justifing thoughts:
but, he/she lied to me.
but, he/she hurt me so deeply.
but, he/she is so mean
but, he/she ………
What would happen if Jesus listened to and took action based on the same justifications that we listen to? Would he not have withheld his grace from every one of us?
Giving grace to others can seem like an impossible idea for some situations. One thing you can rest assured of, when you’ve accepted the grace of Jesus Christ you will experience a freedom like you’ve never known before and you will better understand the need to grant grace to others. When you grant grace to others you will experience freedom beyond what you thought was possible. You see, grace isn’t about you. It’s about Jesus. Keep your eyes and your heart centered on Him and you will find that “grace” isn’t so hard. You will experience “one blessing after another.” So much more than you deserve.