When you are not growing, you cannot possibly have the greater impact that you are called to. Never in your lifetime will you arrive at a point in time that growth is not important.
It won’t happen. Period.
“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.” Benjamin Franklin
This month we are looking at components that will build you up, encourage you and help you impact the world or live out your life purpose. Last month we looked at the acronym L.E.A.R.N. We discussed a variety of aspects related to learning, including things like adversity and responsibility. You can reference that article here -> Impact the World: L.E.A.R.N.
This week, we will look at another important component necessary to positively impact the world.
You’ve got the roots, now let’s G.R.O.W.
G is for GOALS:
Goals are necessary. It really is that simple. I would love to know your first thoughts when you saw the word “goals.” Please use the comments below. People either love goals or they hate them. No matter what the word or process evokes in you, they are a must for you to know why you do what you do and to keep you moving forward. We talked about values based S.M.A.R.T. goals a few weeks back.
Here is the link to that article if you would like to reference it: Goal Time and the Broncos
Well written goals give specific clarity to what you are going to do. Keeping it all in your head is just overload that drives unfavorable results. Goals done right will keep you focused, eliminate time wasters, drive good boundaries and so much more. If you want your impact to be all it can be, do not underestimate the importance of goals for yourself and for your team.
R is for Relationships:
Relationships determine who is coming along side you – who will help you impact the world? There are multiple kinds of relationships with people playing their individual roles. The most important relationships are the ones that are intimate. Intimate relationships support your personal platform; your foundation. They don’t come and go. The most critical intimate relationship you have is with God. He knows the impact you were created for. Tending to this relationship is your absolute first priority.
The most critical intimate relationship you have is with God. He knows what impact you're designed to have. This is your first priority. Share on X
“Intimate” means the other person in the relationship is someone you trust deeply. You never have to question if this person has your back, if they will give you solid advice, if they will be there in the heat of the battle. Most people have very few truly intimate relationships. Other relationships will be associates, acquaintances, friends and family. In all of these relationships, people will play the roles they are called to – that’s not your choice. The critical thing for your growth is that you recognize who is who and there is no misunderstanding about their role in your life.
O is for OPEN:
Are you open to change? Don’t answer that so quickly! You might surprise yourself or you might not. Being open to change is key if your growth is to be optimized. We can lay out the best plan ever, but if another path forward presents itself, don’t be close minded to the opportunity in front of you. Changes can be required when things go wrong, but they can also come from opportunities that arise. If you are rigid and closed minded that everything must proceed according to your plan, then you will likely miss out on some incredible opportunities to grow and progress more effectively along your journey.
“ All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward.” ~ Ellen Glasgow
Change for the sake of change is not good. Keep your eye on the prize you’ve been called to. Changes that fix inefficiencies, or ensure goals are met, are great. Unfortunately, I have seen leaders who invoked changes simply because they could. They had an idea and wanted to see it carried out, even though, some very smart people around them said it would reek havoc on the business. Don’t be that guy/gal. Listen to others and be open to the best path forward.
Be aware the opportunities for change do not always look positive when initially presented. Pray and talk with trusted advisors. Sometimes, you have to step way out of your comfort zone to reach the benefits.
W is for WIN:
Winning – oh yes – that’s what we are after. Nothing feels quite so good as a win. When it comes to your impact on the world, you will need to decide what winning looks like. If you are called to minister to people in an inner city, does a win equal speaking with one person, 100 or more? My husband and I run a Celebrate Recovery Ministry. We’ve been meeting with folks who come in the doors every Friday now for over 10 years. We believe that if only one person shows up, that’s the one we were suppose to help that night. That’s a win. This example is not suggesting a minimalist mindset is acceptable. Rather, it’s an opportunity to pray, plan and pursue. Pursue that win.
“Winning is one step forward, success beyond measure, one good deed – love extended.” Debbie Luxton
Having a winning attitude is important in order keep faith in what you have been called to when the going gets rough. It’s needed to be positive and encourage others. And, to motivate folks to come be a part of the bigger vision. It is equally important to remember that wanting to win, must be kept in proper perspective. Otherwise, that one person you help this week may not get counted as a win. Proper perspective is a reminder that winning is not based on the opinions of others.
[stextbox id=”custom” bwidth=”3″ color=”FAFEFF” bcolor=”8C6727″ bgcolor=”50C7C3″ bgcolorto=”50C7C3″]Scripture to THRIVE by: God can pour on the blessings in astonishing ways so that you’re ready for anything and everything, more than just ready to do what needs to be done. ~ 2 Corinthians 9:8 (MSG)[/stextbox]
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Great tips, Debbie. Love the acrostic for Grow. And especially enjoyed the thought that all change is not growth and all movement is not forward. Truth and powerful.
Thanks Karen. Glad you enjoyed it and found it helpful.