The warrior women of the bible who chose to rise up in leadership.

     In general, when we think of the women from the bible we visualize the women of that era. We may see these women as simple, passive and/or submissive. We have often heard more of the humble and meek characteristics of these women, rather than that of a fierce warrior. 

    While the bible is clear on who we [as women] should and should not submit ourselves to, make no mistake that there are in fact countless women who carried with them vast strength, wisdom and determination. These women were born leaders. They demonstrate when to remain gentle and obedient, as well as when to be unyielding, ascending to prepare for battle. They set the principles for women in leadership. These warrior women give us biblical examples of how we are to rise up to the calling that God has upon our lives. 

Villagers in Israel would not fight;
    they held back until I, Deborah, arose,
    until I arose, a mother in Israel.
-Judges 5:7

Warrior Deborah 

Deborah lived in the mountainous region of Ephraim. There she would sit beneath a palm tree and serve the people as God directed. When the Bible first introduces Deborah, it refers to her as “a prophetess.”  She settled disputes by giving God’s answer to the problems that came up among His people. (Judges 4:4,5)

Deborah’s assignment was certainly challenging, but she did not allow it to overwhelm [or cripple] her. There was a dire need for her willingness to listen to God’s call upon her life, rise up and serve others.

The prophetess courageously supported God’s worshipers and obeyed God’s instruction. As God directed, Deborah summoned Barak, a military commander, to lead an Israelite army against their Canaanite oppressors. When Barak agreed at the request she to go with him, she courageously submitted to his proposal. (Judges 4:6-9)

Imagine her moments before battle. 

This passage illustrates the scene well, “DEBORAH looked around at the soldiers who were gathered atop Mount Tabor. It was touching to see them there. In the morning light, she contemplated their bravery and the faith of their leader, Barak. Though they were 10,000 strong, their faith and courage would face a great test this day. They were going against a vicious foe, and they were outnumbered and poorly armed. But they had come here anyway—largely because of the encouragement of this one woman.

Deborah knew that Barak and his men were waiting for some word, some signal, from her. Was she the only woman there? What was it like for her to bear so much responsibility in such a setting? Did she wonder what she was doing there? Evidently not! God had told her to start this war; He had also revealed that He would use a woman to bring it to an end.” (Judges 4:9) (ref: Imitate their faith.) 

Villagers in Israel would not fight;
    they held back until I, Deborah, arose,
    until I arose, a mother in Israel.

God chose new leaders
    when war came to the city gates,
but not a shield or spear was seen
    among forty thousand in Israel.

My heart is with Israel’s princes,
    with the willing volunteers among the people.
    Praise the Lord!

After God gave them a tremendous victory over the Canaanites, Deborah helped in composing this song found in Judges. This is the song that she and Barak sang recounting the event. Within it she also celebrated another fearless woman, Jael, and gave her praise for her unaided role in defeating Sisera, chief of the Canaanites, and titled Jael as the “most blessed of women“.  (Judges, Chapter 5)

“Most blessed of women be Jael,

    the wife of Heber the Kenite,
    most blessed of tent-dwelling women” 

Judges 5:24

When is the last time we not only submitted entirely to God’s will, 

but took little credit for ourselves and instead built up another? 


So what can we learn from Warrior Deborah

Deborah lived for GOD’S WILL! Deborah was not afraid to break free of the “social norms” and lead the life God had created her for. Deborah was self-sacrificing and courageous. She followed God’s will and she encouraged others to do the right thing in God’s eyes.  When they did so, she generously celebrated their victories.

  • She was obedient and arose to God’s call
  • She was self-sacrificing
  • She was courageous
  • She settled disputes God’s way
  • She knew when to fight and when to comply
  • She built others up

“So may all your enemies perish, Lord!

    But may all who love you be like the sun
    when it rises in its strength.”

(Judges 5:31)


Helping pastors wives, women who lead, embrace their influence.  
Debbie Luxton

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