Next week we find ourselves at the end of the first quarter in 2021.  A perfect time to reflect!

Just as water mirrors your face, so your face mirrors your heart. ~ Proverbs 27:19


We can’t improve on that which we can’t clearly see. Reflection is a mission critical task for a thriving life.  Looking back, even if it’s difficult, is important.

If too much time goes by, it’s forgotten.  Ideally, reflection is occurring at least weekly.  If so, this makes quarterly reflection an easier task.  If not, this makes quarterly reflection even more important!


Without reflection, we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended consequences, and failing to achieve anything useful. ~ Margaret J. Wheatley


A few questions can serve us well for reflecting:

  • What did I accomplish in Q1?

  • What am I especially grateful for in Q1?

  • What worked well that I will carry forward into Q2?

  • What do I want to leave behind or adjust going into Q2?

  • What goals are continuing into Q2 and what new goals am I setting for Q2?

  • How am I celebrating Q1?

The best way to ensure reflection works for you is to set it as a priority.  For me, this means scheduling it and prayerfully embracing self-control (a fruit of the Spirit) to honor the time I’ve planned to spend on it.


Need help prioritizing, focusing, achieving the passions of your heart?  Don’t stay stuck!
Take a first step by sending your pressing question or sharing your main struggle.
Your inquiry will always be confidential!


Blessings as you reflect and renew for the upcoming Q2 of 2021,

Coach Deb Luxton, CCLC
Author:  Choose to THRIVE, Conquering Your Inner Conflicts
Christian Leadership Coach:  Helping women called to lead embrace their influence.
Retreat Author & Host:  Authentic Influence, One Thing Leads to Another, Serenity
Community Lead:  Healthy Boundaries for Women Who Lead
** Weekly Community Topics, March 2021:  Wilderness, Valiant, Chasm, Unity

We can't improve on that which we can't see clearly. ~ Coach Deb Luxton Share on X


Comment below – is reflection a consistent practice for you?  If so, how has it served you well?  If not, what’s holding  you back?



Debbie Luxton

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