Who Are You Called to Serve?

Who Are You Called to Serve?

Part 4 of the 5-part Series on IMPACT I begin with the question, “who are you called to serve?” In order for you to fulfill the IMPACT you were created and designed for, you have to think about the people that you are passionate about. Some people are passionate about...

Alaska! and Women Who Lead

This month the topic we will discuss is “authenticity.” What does “Alaska!” and it’s mountain, Denali, have to do with authenticity?  I’m happy you asked! Recently, I was richly blessed to visit Alaska on a 7-day cruise and 4-day land tour.  My...

The FEAR of “What if?”

“What if I lose my job?” “What if my husband leaves me?” “What if my child has an accident?” There are so many “what if’s” that can haunt us and keep us living in fear to all the possibilities we can think of. Are...

“Will I ever be enough!”

“Will I ever be enough!” So many women struggle with this question or some version of it. Feelings that range from not being successful enough at their careers to not being a good enough friend and everything in between. If we are trying to be Superwoman, no wonder we...
Debbie Luxton

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