Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.(1)

Part 4 of the 4-part series on “Transform!”

Let’s recap where we’ve been:

Part 1 – Success and plaguing discontent. We talked about the paradox of being a successful woman, but yet, discontentment still rises up inside of you.

Part 2 – Why Your Inner Conflicts Keep Returning. Simply put, there can be many reasons, but there are some obvious things to consider.

Part 3 – Stop Inner Conflicts – A Transformation Foundation. Here you can find a list of those things that support you in making life changes.


“What is a thriving life?”

That question, if asked, to 10 different people will produce 10 different answers. Furthermore, the answers would likely be relative to individual situations currently occurring in someone’s life.

The reality is that a truly thriving life runs deep in the will of God, even when current situations are tough.  And, even when current situations appear great.

My theme, in my current season, is “Reality.” I did a webinar this week where I talked about having a theme and I mentioned that when “reality” came to me, it didn’t really make sense.

That’s not true anymore.  I have gained clarity on this theme and I believe more is to be revealed.  I’m not here to talk about you having a theme; that’s a whole other post!

I do want to say that I am spreading a message of reality – there are no shortcuts!


The definition of “thrive,” includes:

– to grow vigorously
– flourish
– prosper
– to progress toward or realize a goal despite or because of circumstances

Doesn’t all of this sound wonderful? A life where, no matter the circumstance, you “flourish and prosper.”  You are able to “grow vigorously.”

Wonderful! A life where no matter the circumstances you grow and prosper. Share on X

This doesn’t happen without putting in the required effort. What does that effort look like?

Consistent life processes that draw you in and keep you in an intimate relationship with your Creator.


More Reality

I discovered something recently in a devotional titled “Perfectionism.” Every woman in leadership knows perfectionism is a serious culprit to living a thriving life.

Did you know that perfectionism can paralyze you?  As I thought about that, I would definitely agree.

I absolutely relate to perfectionism and the fears that drive it. Procrastination, panic, pain, are all “P” words I relate to perfectionism.  But, “paralyze?”  That’s a really strong and scary word.

I share this in hopes you will consider how you view of a thriving life.

You may NEVER have the perfect thriving life. Or, perhaps you are just the opposite and you would say you do have the perfect thriving life. 

Wherever you find yourself, the reality is, the only way to truly thrive is to do life God’s way. His greatest concern is for who you are on the inside; that you are continually growing in the likeness and character of Jesus.

He wants you to live a thriving life even more than your desire to have it.


A Thriving Life is a Continuous Journey

People often shy away from “life journey’s” because they don’t imply a destination. Journey’s for vacation purposes are great, but in life, a journey involves deep introspection.  Furthermore, it’s ongoing.

We all want to arrive at our place of thriving. Of course!  And, the reality is that you can!  Just keep it real; it takes effort that never really ends.

And, the foundation of that effort is an intimate relationship with God that seeks to live in obedience to His word; fulfilling the impact He created and designed you for.


As I was writing this post, I thought of 2 types of people:

1 – women who know they have things in their life they need to focus on.  They may or may not have thought about it from a “thriving” life perspective, but they know.

2 – women who “have it all going on.”  They wouldn’t relate to this article at all because they are happy, their family is good, money is flowing, marriage is great – you get the picture.  They may even believe (and it may be true) that God is in the midst of everything because their life is so _______; shall we say “perfect.”

Who has the real need to assess themselves and their intimacy with God?  Who has the need to get real with themselves and God to ask if it’s His will being done or their own?

My belief is, we all have to seek God and His will continually.  Not just in the rough spots. Likely, even more in the good times.

Personally, I have to work pretty hard to ensure it’s God will that I’m following and not my own will.  I thrive when I stay in His will and accept the fact that this means lots of growth because God doesn’t work on my timeline nor, in the ways I think makes sense.

God doesn't work on my timeline or the way I think makes sense. Share on X


Helping You On Your Journey
to Live a Thriving Life


“One Thing Leads to Another”
Retreat for
Women Who Lead

May 4-7, 2017


Glen Eyrie Castle ~ Colorado Springs, CO


Space is limited!  Registration deadline is drawing close.

Attend an informational webinar,
Tuesday, March 7 – 9:00 a.m. or 2:00 p.m.

Sign-up for the FREE ebook at One Life to THRIVE
(you will receive automatic notification of the informational webinar)

Ladies, it’s time!

Join the movement of women stepping into their
unique divinely designed impact.




Debbie Luxton

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