
We’ve reached the 3rd of this 4 post series on “Work of Clarity.” You should be feeling pretty darn good.  You’ve done some heavy lifting the last 2 weeks. GOOD FOR YOU! 

The time you’ve spent to become clear on your CORE VALUES and your LIFE PURPOSE brings so much meaning to your life.  Decisions you make will come more easily.  Goals you set will begin with great meaning.  You live in a place of fulfillment.

When you are in alignment with your
God-given purpose and
your core values your overall well-being soars!

We are moving through your “Personal Platform” which is made up of 4 parts:

Core Values = WHO you are
Life Purpose = Why you are
Vision = WHERE you are headed
Mission = HOW you will get there

It’s time to focus on the next component in your Personal Platform: VISION

[Tweet ““The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight but no vision.” Helen Keller”]

A vision statement is based on where you are going. Where are you going with the clarity you now have in your life purpose?

Understanding your life purpose does you no good if you just leave it sit there.
In fact, your life purpose should invigorate you. It should give you the desire to dream and seek out how God intends for you to live out your life purpose.  Where is He pointing you?


The 7 “C”‘s of a Vision Statement:

  • Challenges (even scares) you. – If it doesn’t provoke some doubts and fears, it’s not big enough!  Think of it this way – God created the world. What do you think His vision looked like when He started? Pretty BIG don’t you think!
  • Compelling – Pulls you in and elevates your desires to achieve it.  It should foster conviction and drive you to action.
  • ConciseClearly stated, easy to remember and easy to communicate. (you will work out the details later.)
  • Consistent – Aligns with your core values, life purpose, strengths you’ve identified and your passions.
  • Conceivable  – If you can’t visualize it coming to fruition; it won’t.  You must be able to see  yourself attaining it and sustaining it.
  • Costly – What’s it going to cost you?  Time, money, other resources?  A personal stake equals sustained passion.
  • Creative – Your imagination should have to be engaged when you are visualizing your target and when you are sharing it with others.


Your vision statement can be written for a specific life area (financials, personal growth, spiritual, etc), it can be very personal or it can be geared more directly at living out your life purpose.

For example, a vision statement could include reaching multitudes of people or it could be geared towards you attaining a master’s degree. One can be just as BIG as the other; all things being relative. Is it possible that one vision statement could cover both of these examples? – yes.

Your vision statement represents a clear picture
of something BIG in your future –
a BIG target you intend to reach.


When writing a vision statement, do not get bogged down with the details!  Your mind may quickly try to sabotage you. Don’t go there. If you have prayed, listened and worked with the tools at hand it’s time to write things down and trust the process. Let it come to you.  Stand against any mind boggling and perfectionism that tries to keep you stuck.

While vision statements can be written for a short period of time such as a 6 month target, they are often the picture of things that will take many years to reach. There is no right or wrong.

Visions statements can and do change based on seasons of life, greater clarification and/or God’s redirection. They are not cast in stone.

Gaining clarity around your vision will require some pondering (or re-pondering) of questions like:

  • What really moves you?
  • What are your dreams?
  • What would you regret most if you didn’t accomplish “it”?

Some of the questions may seem very similar to questions that helped you become clear on your life purpose. That’s good! You should experience like emotions to what you experienced while working on your life purpose. Your vision cannot contradict your life purpose or your core values.

Examples of vision statements:

  • Inspires others to go after their dreams.
  • A retreat center for burned-out professional women to relax and renew in solitude.
  • A business that honors God, helps people become great leaders and contributes income for my family.
  • Good physical health for myself and my family.

Once you have your vision statement it will inspire
and motivate you to reach your full potential.

It’s an exciting thing!


South African Or African American Woman Teacher Or Student Again
January 12, 2016-February 2, 2016
I am offering a FREE
Work of Clarity” opportunity.
Each week we will look at
Personal Platform building:
core values, life purpose,
vision and mission. 

Check out the details in the
January Issue of THRIVE!

Contact Coach Deb
to discuss your
Personal Platform
set the foundation for a life of well lived!




Debbie Luxton

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