by Debbie | Boundaries, Journaling, Recovery
Many things can create distractions that take us away from what’s important, what we desire, and what we know we “should” focus on. One of the worst culprits we are all too familiar with is technology. Distraction attraction occurs when we spend...
by Debbie | Influence, Recovery, Spiritual Depth
Your influence is a blessing to someone. Too many someones! With our God-ordained opportunities, experiences, and the good or bad decisions you’ve made, you are blessed to have a unique testimony to share. Personally speaking, I’ve made some awful...
by Debbie | Influence, Recovery
To Solomon, the presence of God was both assuring and unsettling. How assuring his promises were (see 1 Kings 9:1:5), how unsettling his warnings (see 1 Kings 9:6-9). But both are necessary. We need assurance. Contrary to what we like, we also need unsettling....
by Debbie | Boundaries, Recovery, Uncategorized
People desire transformation in their life, but it’s one of those “much easier said than done” things in life. We can be very good at fooling ourselves that our situation, poor habits or character defects are “not that bad.” The road ahead may be a long one, depending...
by Debbie | Authenticity, Recovery, Spiritual Depth
Yes, it’s true. Perhaps, hard to believe. Everyone does have character defects. Everyone. Living “Less Than” I can give my character defects way too much power as I sometimes tell myself: I’m not good enough, I’m not skilled enough, I’m not smart...
by Debbie | Connecting, Recovery, Serenity
“Do this – love others.” Sounds easy enough. So, why is it so hard? We’ve talked about a lot during this month’s series on REAL Relationships: Responsibility, Enlighten, Accept and now Love. We know that we are commanded to love others, but many things can...